Joyce Lionarons · @joyce
432 followers · 1379 posts · Server

I'm getting my car inspection, waiting for what seems like forever for it to be done. I would much rather be writing.


Last updated 1 year ago

Joyce Lionarons · @joyce
429 followers · 1371 posts · Server

I managed to go out for my early morning walk and get home again just before the rain started. Sunday mornings are the best: no noise from the nearby highway, just cicadas and birds singing.

Annie-the-cat, as always when it rains, wants me to sit and cuddle her instead of eating breakfast or writing or even drinking my coffee. That's okay with me.


Last updated 1 year ago

Anita Harris Satkunananthan · @mythopoetica
1023 followers · 158 posts · Server

Hello, just a note that I've decided to take a week off Masto while I settle up my deadlines. I hope you will all keep well and I look forward to returning week after next. 🫢🏼

#Today #amwriting #writinglife #writingcommunity

Last updated 1 year ago

Joyce Lionarons · @joyce
427 followers · 1368 posts · Server

Every morning I do what I call the "kitchen test": can I walk from my bedroom to the kitchen without severe pain? If so, I go out and walk for a half hour. If not, I stay home. , I just hurt too much.

So I've been puttering around my house trying to decide whether to forge ahead with my initial idea for a new Gavin Rownt book or whether to scrap it and try to think of a new idea. Right now, both options seem impossible. Eventually, I hope, inspiration will strike one way or the other.

May you have an inspired day.


Last updated 1 year ago

Drew · @dharmadischarge
449 followers · 3904 posts · Server

wrote a webcomic and am now slowly redrawing the six panels.

Struggling with wanting to share it to soon or rushing so I can.

It has made me laugh but am nervous about a gag a page / week structure.


Last updated 1 year ago

Joyce Lionarons · @joyce
427 followers · 1360 posts · Server

has been an emotional rollercoaster of a day. It started out well, and then I heard about the death of an old friend of mine, and while we were never really close, it hit me harder than I expected. And then, on the good side, I'm having the best day I've ever had in terms of books sold. Normally, I'd be celebrating, but I don't quite feel up to that. I'm hoping for a calmer day tomorrow.


Last updated 1 year ago

Joyce Lionarons · @joyce
426 followers · 1354 posts · Server

I went out for my early-morning walk in the cool morning air; it seemed a bit less humid than in the past days. Then home for coffee and breakfast, out again to the grocery store. I managed to make it home before it got too very hot -- currently 87F and going up past 90 again. It's going to be a day of domestic chores if my chronic pain isn't too bad. Maybe I'll be able to write some more tomorrow.

I hope you have a good day, whatever you do.


Last updated 1 year ago

Anita Harris Satkunananthan · @mythopoetica
1020 followers · 144 posts · Server

on a drizzly/cloudy

1. Music: All week I've been on an indie folk/freak folk/psychedelic folk kick: Today's been all about working/driving while listening to the Fleet Foxes but tonight is going to be all about the Incredible String Band πŸ’œ
2. My periodic restock of artisan/hand-made beeswax/soy wax candles. I ordered from three different local candlemakers this time and they all arrived today. Cannot describe how excited I am.
3. I like this weather. As Anne Shirley would say, "there's so much scope for the imagination!"

#3goodthings #thursday #Today #anneofgreengables #candles #music #indiefolk #freakfolk #psychfolk #folkmusic #folk #fleetfoxes #incrediblestringband

Last updated 1 year ago

Anita Harris Satkunananthan · @mythopoetica
1020 followers · 143 posts · Server

Hello Masto, I'm home!

Got my faulty plug/wiring fixed this morning when the aircon bros came to service my units, then rushed to work. Still stressed, but considerably less cranky today!


Last updated 1 year ago

Joyce Lionarons · @joyce
425 followers · 1339 posts · Server

I had too much pain for my early-morning walk and we're looking at another very hot day so I will probably just stay indoors in the AC for the duration.

I've been trying to write, but it's being a struggle. The words just do not want to come. Ah, well, this has happened before and eventually I'll find my way back into the flow. In the meantime, there's coffee and chocolate and a cat to cuddle with.

Have a great day, Mastodonians!


Last updated 1 year ago

Anita Harris Satkunananthan · @mythopoetica
1016 followers · 137 posts · Server

Hello Masto, I'm very cranky and stressed, But I'm guessing this is not news.



Last updated 1 year ago

Joyce Lionarons · @joyce
427 followers · 1336 posts · Server

This morning on my walk I started to think about the abundance of life in the area where I live: bushes and trees and ivy growing up the trees and different kinds of grasses and so many flowering plants. Squirrels everywhere and hundreds of birds, deer making a path just beyond the bushes, rabbits bounding across the lawns, a fox peeking at me from beneath the undergrowth, ducks and geese on the pond.

It's totally miraculous when you stop to think about it.


Last updated 1 year ago

Drew · @dharmadischarge
449 followers · 3860 posts · Server

Still can sleep. Decided since it was the day they do the monthly bug spray I would stay till at least noon so I do t have to get woke up when they show up.

The manager of my building asked me to put this months calendars on the door of my building. So I did was slightly anxiety inducing because the sounds last night but it was fine.

Called the oral surgeon about my teeth extractions to get the dentist to send the x Ray's.

Now I am watching cartoons on youtube.


Last updated 1 year ago

Joyce Lionarons · @joyce
426 followers · 1331 posts · Server

promises to be another hot and sticky one in the 90s -- even my early-morning walk was a bit too warm and humid despite being only 72 degrees.

I've just spent a few minutes unfollowing folks on Mastodon, namely the ones who seem intent on turning my feed into an exercise in doomscrolling. I read the news. I know what's happening. That's not what I'm here for.

So now I'm eating my morning oatmeal and sipping coffee and getting ready for the rest of the day. I've got some adulting to do today and I'm not looking forward to it.

I hope you are looking forward to the things you need to day today.


Last updated 1 year ago

Joyce Lionarons · @joyce
426 followers · 1328 posts · Server

I went out for my early-morning walk again, then came home and did a bit of writing. It's really a struggle to do anything right now. Lots of pain from a stomach ailment that no one knows how to deal with. I've been through two gastroenterologists and a dietician, all of whom have given up, saying they can't figure out where the pain is coming from. Some days are better than others. Today is a bad one.


Last updated 1 year ago

Andrew · @v4169sgr
58 followers · 475 posts · Server
Anita Harris Satkunananthan · @mythopoetica
1017 followers · 153 posts · Server

*distracted wave at Masto*

Busy and sleep-deprived. Work on articles, home repairs headache (technician never came and I have faulty powerpoints), and maximizing practice for incoming music exams.

#Today #musicians #litodons #academiclife

Last updated 1 year ago

Joyce Lionarons · @joyce
422 followers · 1323 posts · Server

I skipped my early-morning walk today. I overdid it this week and my hip hurts with every step. So today is a day for resting, reading, and doing a bit of writing.

I did pull a few weeds from my flower beds while it was still cool outside. As the day goes on, I'll be staying indoors in my AC because it's going to be a hot one with high humidity. A nice day to relax in my recliner chair and just take it easy.


Last updated 1 year ago

RolloTreadway · @RolloTreadway
572 followers · 1607 posts · Server

I've done my half day of woodland volunteering work - and very hard work it was too, I felled five holly trees with basic manual tools (they needed felling, for the good of the wood, and should hopefully grow back as bushes rather than going straight up), and I'm someone who spends most of their time sitting down quietly. Sawing trees is hard.

And I've had a bowl of leftover curry, so time now to fall asleep in front of the cycling.


Last updated 1 year ago

Joyce Lionarons · @joyce
422 followers · 1319 posts · Server

is another day just like the ones before it. Pleasantly cool for my early-morning walk, although my hip is really aching and I may have to skip the walk tomorrow to let it rest. Coffee and breakfast, Wordle and Spelling Bee, then back to trying to get into writing a new Gavin Rownt Medieval Mystery.

This one is being recalcitrant, and I'm rewriting the beginning for the third time. Maybe another cup of coffee will put me on a roll.


Last updated 1 year ago