For more info about this Farmer Field School in 🇲🇼 Malawi and many other 🇪🇺 #EU -funded projects you can contact our colleagues from @EUinMalawi, @EU_Partnerships , @eu_eeas
RT @FAO: In Malawi, @FAO's Farmer Field Schools are helping Felix to increase yields, grow production and improve his income.
Thanks to the financial support from the European Union, we are improving lives and livelihoods👇🏼
#TogetherForDevelopment #FarmerFie…
#EU #TogetherForDevelopment #FarmerFie
RT @FAO: In Malawi, @FAO's Farmer Field Schools are helping Felix to increase yields, grow production and improve his income.
Thanks to the financial support from the European Union, we are improving lives and livelihoods👇🏼
#TogetherForDevelopment #FarmerFieldSchools @eudeleg_rome
#TogetherForDevelopment #FarmerFieldSchools
For more info about this Farmer Field School in 🇲🇼 Malawi and many other 🇪🇺 #EU -funded projects you can contact our colleagues from @EUinMalawi, @EU_Partnerships, @eu_eeas
RT @FAO4Members: In Malawi, @FAO's Farmer Field Schools are helping Felix to increase yields, grow production and improve his income.
Thanks to the financial support from the European Union, we are improving lives and livelihoods👇🏼
#EU #TogetherForDevelopment #F