20. 3. bili smo domaćini donatorske konferencije sa @sweden2023eu, Zajedno za 👥 🇹🇷 i 🇸🇾, na kojoj je prikupljeno 7 mlrd. 💶.
Potresi su uzrokovali golemu devastaciju, ali su pokazali i da kad se 🤝, možemo postići sjajne stvari.
#TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1641714172722307073
#TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye
RT @UNICEF_EU: “After earthquake hit, we were sheltering under our building.We left with nothing but the clothes we were wearing", says Jameel, 11 y.o. from #Aleppo
Hand in hand with @EU_ECHO, @UNICEF works in #Syria to deliver basic relief #ForEveryChild
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ECHO_MiddleEast/status/1637897017836941313
#Aleppo #Syria #ForEveryChild #TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye
🔴 LIVE SOON ⏰ 17:30 CET
RT @EC_AVService: 📍 International Donors' Conference for the people in Türkiye and Syria
🗣️ Press conference by President @vonderleyen and Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson
🔴 LIVE ⏰ 17:00 CET
📺 https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/ebs/live/1
#TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EC_AVService/status/1637853316536213506
#TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye
💬„@EU_Commission podržat će stanovnike 🇹🇷 s 1 milijardom eura za obnovu.
Također ćemo osigurati 108 milijuna eura za humanitarnu pomoć i rani oporavak 🇸🇾.
Od #TeamEurope očekuju se dodatna obećanja.”
- predsjednica @vonderleyen
#TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EK_Hrvatska/status/1637838747864555521
#TeamEurope #TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye
The @EU_Commission will support the people in Türkiye with €1 billion for reconstruction.
We will also provide €108 million for humanitarian aid and early recovery in Syria.
Additional pledges are expected from #TeamEurope
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/vonderleyen/status/1637804001008709633
#TeamEurope #TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye
RT @vonderleyen: The @EU_Commission will support the people in Türkiye with €1 billion for reconstruction.
We will also provide €108 million for humanitarian aid and early recovery in Syria.
Additional pledges are expected from #TeamEurope
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_Partnerships/status/1637841001107554308
#TeamEurope #TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye
RT @vonderleyen: The @EU_Commission will support the people in Türkiye with €1 billion for reconstruction.
We will also provide €108 million for humanitarian aid and early recovery in Syria.
Additional pledges are expected from #TeamEurope
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/APisoneroECSpox/status/1637807330497646595
#TeamEurope #TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye
📣📣📣 It’s starting!
International Donors’ Conference in support of the people of Türkiye & Syria
The world is mobilised
Pledges today by 🌎 international donor community should match magnitude of needs
Survivors need urgent support
#TogetherforTurkiye #TogetherforSyria
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/APisoneroECSpox/status/1637799512071712768
#TogetherForTurkiye #TogetherForSyria
Together, we can demonstrate solidarity at its best.
However, this earthquake only magnified the suffering of Syrians due to 12 long years of war.
We are thus maintaining our annual donors’ conference in Brussels, to take place 14/6/2023.
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JanezLenarcic/status/1637830101818548225
#TogetherForTurkiye #TogetherForSyria
RT @vonderleyen: The @EU_Commission will support the people in Türkiye with €1 billion for reconstruction.
We will also provide €108 million for humanitarian aid and early recovery in Syria.
Additional pledges are expected from #TeamEurope
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUKommWien/status/1637833342077771776
#TeamEurope #TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye
RT @vonderleyen: The @EU_Commission will support the people in Türkiye with €1 billion for reconstruction.
We will also provide €108 million for humanitarian aid and early recovery in Syria.
Additional pledges are expected from #TeamEurope
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EC_AVService/status/1637825395742453760
#TeamEurope #TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye
📍 International Donors' Conference for the people in Türkiye and Syria
🗣️ Press conference by President @vonderleyen and Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson
🔴 LIVE ⏰ 17:00 CET
#TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EC_AVService/status/1637806485072760837
#TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye
In face of the devastating earthquake that destroyed the lives of many people on 6 February, we stand #TogetherForSyria & #TogetherForTurkiye.
EIB VP @LilyanaPavlova takes part in the @EU_Commission & @sweden2023eu Donors' Conference to pledge our support for recovery👇
RT @EU_Commission: International Donors' Conference for the people in Türkiye and Syria
Agenda ↓
📺Follow live on EbS from 13.30 : https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/ebs/live/1
#TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye
📺Follow live on EbS now: http://europa.eu/!Jw63DJ
RT @EU_Commission: International Donors' Conference for the people in Türkiye and Syria
Agenda ↓
📺Follow live on EbS from 13.30 : https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/ebs/live/1
#TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUCYPRUS/status/1637795754508005379
#TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye
RT @vonderleyen: The @EU_Commission will support the people in Türkiye with €1 billion for reconstruction.
We will also provide €108 million for humanitarian aid and early recovery in Syria.
Additional pledges are expected from #TeamEurope
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/JanezLenarcic/status/1637814236888825856
#TeamEurope #TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye
Conferencia Internacional de Donantes. Juntos por los ciudadanos de Turquía y Siria.
Agenda ↓
📺Síguelo #endirecto en EbS a partir de las 13.30h: http://europa.eu/!Jw63DJ
#TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ComisionEuropea/status/1637743334813839360
#endirecto #TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye
Our #ConferenceManagers and #Interpreters are going to be there today to provide the best service for this event.
RT @EU_Commission: The devastating earthquakes have sent shockwaves through Türkiye and Syria.
On 20 March we will co-host a Donors’ Conference with @sweden2023eu, open to international partners, to raise resources for relief, recovery and rehabilitation.
#TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUInterpreters/status/1637742583181979648
#ConferenceManagers #Interpreters #TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye
Bekijk hier het programma voor de internationale donorconferentie voor #Türkiye en #Syrië👇
RT @EU_Commission: International Donors' Conference for the people in Türkiye and Syria
Agenda ↓
📺Follow live on EbS from 13.30 : https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/ebs/live/1
#TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EUinNL/status/1637777270059290625
#TÜRKİYE #Syrië #TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye
RT @vonderleyen: The @EU_Commission will support the people in Türkiye with €1 billion for reconstruction.
We will also provide €108 million for humanitarian aid and early recovery in Syria.
Additional pledges are expected from #TeamEurope
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ZEKvSR/status/1637805614884593664
#TeamEurope #TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye
Starting now in Brussels: Donor's Conference #TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye
The EU calls on other international partners & global donors to show solidarity with the people in Türkiye & Syria by mobilising pledges in line with the scale and magnitude of the damage.👇
RT @EU_Commission: The devastating earthquakes have sent shockwaves through Türkiye and Syria.
On 20 March we will co-host a Donors’ Conference with @sweden2023eu, open to international partner…
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_UNGeneva/status/1637793531879211008
#TogetherForSyria #TogetherForTurkiye