> .. between 1615 and 1651 the Tokugawa confiscated the fiefs of 95 daimyō who thus lost all means of support – as did their retainers, who lost their stipends and became rōnin.. Over the same period the shoguns also transferred 250 other #fiefs from one daimyō to another. According to #HaroldBolitho: ‘Never in the history of Japan had so much violence been done to local autonomy.’
#GeoffreyParker, The #Ronin #浪人 came from, DaiMyou that were too mean for #Tokugawa #家光
#家光 #Tokugawa #浪人 #ronin #GeoffreyParker #HaroldBolitho #fiefs
#AppleEve #CyclopsMillichrome #Loki7281 #NeuromancerWintermute #Valentina #TeletraanI #Ghostwheel #MandaraxGokubi #Tokugawa #TheCityofMind #ComPewter #Jane #MasterSystem #FineTillYouCameAlongMinds #TheQuarkII #Abulafia #Arius #Continuity #GWB-666 #LordMargaretLynn #TheTechnoCore #Eagle #LEVIN #Thing #GrandNapoleon #Yggdrasil #Jill #Lingo #Aleph #ArtFish #BlainetheMonoLittleBlainePatricia #CenterSectorCommandandControlUnitAZ12-b14-c000Mk.XIVCenter #TheOversoul #FLORANCE #DavidJonathon #Hex #PrimeIntellect #FIDO #Abraham #Helen #Illustratedprimer #wizard0.2 #Ozymandias #Ordinator #Teleputer #GRUMPY/SLEEPY #ReiToei #Titania #DOCTOR #TRANSLTR #EnginefortheNeutralisingofInformationbytheGenerationofMiasmicAlphabets #Luminous #Logris #Mother #Stormbreaker #Gabriel #Antrax #Omnius #TuringHopper #CCube #LogicMill #Cohen #SentientIntelligence #DeepWinter/EndlessSummer #TheDaemon #Glooper #Sif #MackLoki #Todd #SIG #Archos #Digiwrite #ELOPe #Lobsang #TheRed #Dragon #Solace #TheMANIAC #NOVAC #Interocitor #TheGreatMachine #EMERAC #SuperComputer #SUSIE #Alpha60 #TheBrain #HAL9000 #ColossusGuardian #OMM #TheAriesComputer #DUEL #Bomb20 #Mother #TheTabernacle #Zero #Computer #ProteusIV #MU-TH-R182model2.1terabyteAIMainframe/"Mother"
#mu #ProteusIV #computer #zero #TheTabernacle #Bomb20 #duel #TheAriesComputer #omm #ColossusGuardian #hal9000 #thebrain #Alpha60 #susie #supercomputer #EMERAC #TheGreatMachine #Interocitor #NOVAC #TheMANIAC #Solace #dragon #TheRed #Lobsang #ELOPe #Digiwrite #Archos #sig #todd #MackLoki #sif #Glooper #TheDaemon #DeepWinter #SentientIntelligence #cohen #LogicMill #CCube #TuringHopper #Omnius #Antrax #gabriel #Stormbreaker #mother #Logris #Luminous #EnginefortheNeutralisingofInformationbytheGenerationofMiasmicAlphabets #TRANSLTR #doctor #titania #ReiToei #grumpy #Teleputer #Ordinator #Ozymandias #wizard0 #Illustratedprimer #helen #Abraham #fido #PrimeIntellect #hex #DavidJonathon #florance #TheOversoul #CenterSectorCommandandControlUnitAZ12 #BlainetheMonoLittleBlainePatricia #ArtFish #aleph #Lingo #Jill #yggdrasil #GrandNapoleon #thing #Levin #eagle #TheTechnoCore #LordMargaretLynn #GWB #Continuity #Arius #Abulafia #TheQuarkII #FineTillYouCameAlongMinds #mastersystem #Jane #ComPewter #TheCityofMind #Tokugawa #MandaraxGokubi #Ghostwheel #TeletraanI #Valentina #NeuromancerWintermute #Loki7281 #CyclopsMillichrome #AppleEve