My favorite place in the world, #TokyoBigSight. The first time I went, I deliberately didn’t look at it until I was right in front of it. Then, I put on my headphones and began playing “Night Rhythms” (those opening chords! link below) by #Zombi, and I looked up. It was like a badass UFO had landed right in front of me!
A Few Faves
album - The Dreaming by #KateBush
book - Life, A User’s Manual by #GeorgesPerec
film - Playtime by #JacquesTati
artist - #PaulKlee
place - #TokyoBigSight
#georgesperec #katebush #jacquestati #paulklee #TokyoBigSight
album - The Dreaming by #KateBush
book - Life, A User’s Manual by #GeorgesPerec
film - Playtime by #JacquesTati
artist - #paulklee
place - #TokyoBigSight
#jacquestati #TokyoBigSight #katebush #georgesperec #paulklee