@loke @bookandswordblog #Tolkien lifted Boromir's funeral from the Beowulf poem, where Scyld Scefing's body is launched onto the waves in a boat.
Über 20 Jahre lang experimentierte #JRRTolkien mit verschiedenen Schriften. Das bekannteste Ergebnis ist die Elbenschrift Tengwar.
👉 https://halmahera.hypotheses.org/516
Wie Tolkien Schriften entwickelte und woher die Inspiration kam, erklärt @mariazielenbach im Blog ➡ Halmahera.
#HerrDerRinge #Tolkien #LOTR #Elben #Elbisch #Mittelerde #ConScripts
#jrrtolkien #herrderringe #Tolkien #lotr #elben #elbisch #mittelerde #conscripts
Imagine getting on a plane to London and realising after landing that you're in Lindon.
Ok, another day another #migration.
I am a big fan of #vivaldi but my online heart is with #floss and had to go to a floss related instance after leaving fosstodon.
Thank you #Vivaldi for hosting me for a few.
Me? A big fan of the following - in no particular order: #RightToRepair #privacyMatters #linux #mojeek #postmarketOS #sxmo #fountainPens #EFF #PopOS #System76 #buddiesofbudgie #solus #fantasy #sciFi #Dune #Tolkien #vpnsecurity #Portmaster #yubico and I am sure I am missing a few.
#migration #Vivaldi #FLOSS #RightToRepair #privacyMatters #Linux #mojeek #postmarketOS #sxmo #fountainPens #EFF #PopOS #System76 #buddiesofbudgie #solus #fantasy #sciFi #Dune #Tolkien #vpnsecurity #Portmaster #yubico
When I asked about good 1950s Medieval #fantasy fiction that is not by #Tolkien, the most common recommendation was Poul Anderson's "The Broken Sword". It opens with a really interesting variation on the changeling motif. We don't learn about what it's like raising a changeling troll child. Anderson focuses on what it's like for the *human* changeling growing up in Elfland.
In the 1966 edition of The Hobbit, #Tolkien added that Gollum is small & slimy. Illustrators had been drawing him too big.
Wonder what galvorn and mithril sound like in the headphones of a metal detector.
We need more men like Aragorn. #Tolkien #LordOfTheRings #LOTR
#Tolkien #lordoftherings #lotr
Somehow I never imagined Thorin Oakenshield looking like an aging Croatian rock singer.
#Tolkien makes *a lot* of knowing winks to philologists in his fiction. In a letter he confesses, for instance, that the dragon Smaug's name is "a low philological jest". It is the past tense form of the old Germanic verb *smugan*, 'to creep, crawl'.
Swedish still has this verb, *att smyga*. And it is the etymological background to the name of a fishing village and resort town on the country's SW coast. Smaug should thus be named SMÖGEN in Swedish translation.
#Tolkien #fantasy #books #language
Went to the library to check a few things in The Hobbit's early drafts for a talk on Thursday. Lots of people studying and writing. Across the table from me is a 30ish preppy fellow with stacks of notes and books. Looks like he might be from the nearby business school.
As I get up to leave I notice a familiar logo. The guy is prepping a Dungeons & Dragons session. I knock on his laptop screen, point to my Drakar och Demoner teeshirt, we both smile and nod.
#dnd #ttrpg #Tolkien #eurocon2023
My talk at #eurocon2023 is titled "Odinn's, Hrothgar's, Beorn's and Theoden's mead halls were a real thing and often get excavated". Thursday 8 June, 16:00, room VIII-2. Welcome!
#eurocon2023 #fantasy #Tolkien #beowulf #archaeology #vikings #uppsala
1. Getting things moving on my research grant proposal. Always a good feeling, even if it will likely get rejected again. At least I'll know I did my best.
2. Made an awesome japanese curry earlier by adding spiced pear butter to the mixture. Easing back into having two meatless days a week so this was a yummy plant-based katsu cutlet to go with the yummy gravy.
3. The last two books from my last #BookDepository purchase arrived. My #HistoryofMiddleEarth set is now complete.
#Threegoodthings #AcademicLife #AcademicChatter #Tolkien #MiddleEarth #LordofTheRings #Bookstodon
#3goodthings #bookdepository #historyofmiddleearth #ThreeGoodThings #academiclife #academicchatter #Tolkien #middleearth #lordoftherings #bookstodon
Any #Tolkien fan can tell you that orks are not safe to be with. That's why I'd never ever trust any of my coworkers around a dairy farm.
Trying to clear myself some psychological space tonight.
Ran across this, putting it on the big TV now that everyone else is asleep. let’s see if it does the trick.
#lofi #ambient #Tolkien #lotr #meditation #meditationmusic
Middle-Earth isn't a place. It's a time in (English) history #Tolkien #LOTR #MiddleEarth #history
#Tolkien #lotr #middleearth #history
RT @LegatumBooks: Tore Rasmussen discussing the finer details of Legatum Publishing's upcoming translation of "Tolkien, l’Europe et la tradition" to Norwegian with its author Armand Berger at the Institut ILIADE (@InstitutILIADE) colloquium.
#InstitutIliade #LegatumPublishing #Tolkien
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/jylgallou/status/1647596247987912704
#InstitutIliade #LegatumPublishing #Tolkien
#Cyberpunk was always infamous for dropping the reader into immersive detail, lots of pure texture with very little background, so you had to orient yourself in free-floating jargon and imagery.
Rereading bits of The Hobbit makes me wonder: can any of that be traced to Tolkien, and the way he dumped his readers into secondary worlds already fully-formed, textured with archaic language and references to unwritten lore?
Was Gibson a fan of #Tolkien ?
#cyberpunk #Tolkien #fantasy #scifi #literature #bookstodon
One example of the total evil decadence of Nûmenor in its final decline is that "the people murmured against the King and the lords, or against any that had aught that they had not". I'm almost starting to wonder if #Tolkien really was a Social Democrat!
#Tolkien and #Lovecraft: both obsessed with miscegenation; one thinks it's great, the other is mortally terrified of it.
#Tolkien #Lovecraft #books #fantasy #horror