"Whether perturbations of any of these endosome-related processes can give rise to TLR7 gain-of-function and facilitate self-reactivity has not been investigated. Here, we show that a dysregulated endosomal compartment leads to unrestricted TLR7 signaling and human lupus."
#Preprint #Immunology #InnateImmunity #Lupus #TollLikeReceptor
#immunology #innateimmunity #lupus #preprint #TollLikeReceptor
"Whether perturbations of any of these endosome-related processes can give rise to TLR7 gain-of-function and facilitate self-reactivity has not been investigated. Here, we show that a dysregulated endosomal compartment leads to unrestricted TLR7 signaling and human lupus."
#Preprint #Immunology #InnateImmunity #Lupus #TollLikeReceptor
#immunology #innateimmunity #lupus #TollLikeReceptor #preprint
"Here, we investigate a β-cyclodextrin nanoparticle (CDNP) formulation encapsulating the Toll-like receptor 7 and 8 (TLR7/8) agonist R848 (CDNP-R848) to reprogram myeloid cells in the glioma microenvironment."
#immunology #TollLikeReceptor #InnateImmunity #Immunotherapy
#TollLikeReceptor #immunotherapy #immunology #innateimmunity