“No matter how many times I am told: you cannot understand the meaning of life, do not think about it but live, I cannot do so because I have already done it for too long.” That’s from Tolstoy’s ‘A Confession’; which I just started reading today. Pretty good so far! #Tolstoy
Making my way through #ForYourOwnGood by Alice Miller and #TheGospelInBrief by Leo Tolstoy.
Miller is harshly illuminating violent fathers, their belief in god-as-father, and their desire for total obedience. Tolstoy is critical of violence, yet his modified gospel still includes a parable where Jesus encourages believers to act like "good slaves" towards the heavenly father. Ick.
#foryourowngood #thegospelinbrief #books #reading #Tolstoy #hoopla
Second Epilogue, Chapter VI
On page 1369 of 1392 of #WarAndPeace, by Leo #Tolstoy
First Epilogue, Chapter II
On page 1293 of 1392 of #WarAndPeace, by Leo #Tolstoy
In January, the New Yorker staff writer Elif Batuman published an essay about #Ukraine’s grievances against #Tolstoy and his literary peers. In it, Batuman explores how great #Russian novels have been used to justify military aggression in the #Slavic world, and contends with the moral weight of loving these books. She joins Tyler Foggatt to talk about Gilbert’s dilemma and to consider how #imperialism should change our experience of art. #podcast #NewYorker #literature
#ukraine #Tolstoy #russian #slavic #imperialism #podcast #newyorker #literature
Es besteht ein grundsätzlicher Unterschied ob ich für eine Regierung tōte, oder in einer überschaubaren persönlichen Situation der Selbstverteidigung.
Ein Staat ist ewas ganz anderes, als eine durch Verwandschaft oder Freundschaft zusammengehaltene Gruppe. #Tolstoy hat auf besondere Unnatürlichkeit des Tötens für den Staat hingewiesen. In diesem hochgradig arbeitsteiligen High-Tech-Massentöten ist der einzelne nur ein Zahnrad in der Todeswalze Krieg.
Book Eleven, Chapter IV
On page 940 of 1392 of #WarAndPeace, by Leo #Tolstoy
Book Ten, Chapter XII
On page 826 of 1392 of #WarAndPeace, by Leo #Tolstoy
Book Ten, Chapter VII
On page 803 of 1392 of #WarAndPeace, by Leo #Tolstoy
On page 631 of 1392 of #WarAndPeace, by Leo #Tolstoy
Javier Sethness Castro writes on People & Nature today: “Tolstoy’s egalitarian, anarcho-Populist critique of the role of “great men” in history has important strategic implications not only for Ukraine’s self-defense against Russia, but also for many other kinds of collective action and radical organising” https://peopleandnature.wordpress.com/2023/02/13/queer-tolstoy-and-anti-authoritarian-struggle-today/ #lgbtq #tolstoy #anarchism #russia #UkraineWar
#lgbtq #Tolstoy #anarchism #russia #UkraineWar
On page 593 of 1392 of #WarAndPeace, by Leo #Tolstoy
On page 552 of 1392 of #WarAndPeace, by Leo #Tolstoy
Man inser att man gått för mycket på en artists konserter när hon frågar varför man inte är där. #Tolstoy
On page 471 of 1392 of #WarAndPeace, by Leo #Tolstoy
On page 201 of 1392 of #WarAndPeace, by Leo #Tolstoy
Book Three: 1805
On page 174 of 1392 of #WarAndPeace, by Leo #Tolstoy
“Be afraid to destroy the unity of people by stirring bad feelings amongst them against another with your words’.” Leo Tolstoy, January 5th entry, A Calendar of Wisdom #Tolstoy #quotes #ACalendarOfWisdom
#Tolstoy #quotes #acalendarofwisdom
Looking for a recommendation for the best modern translation of Tolstoy’s War And Peace. #Tolstoy #BookMastadon #Books #Bookstadon #Translation
#Tolstoy #bookmastadon #books #bookstadon #translation