RT @Anke784
So new Tom project announcement this week?! 🙏🤩 Can't wait for it!!! 😱
RT @Ksqrd2
Pics spam time on my layover! Still have 200+ pics from day 2 to skim though. Tom panel day 2. #LuciconNJ #Lucifer #TomEllis
RT @fee878
It makes me so happy to read all the stories of people meeting Tom at #LuciConNJ and as expected everyone is overwhelmed by his kind and charming interaction. That is Tom.
#TomEllis rarely breaks, but here’s two little stories about times he difficulty keeping it together
RT @Anke784
OMG TOM IS COMING TO THE MAGIC CON ON BONN 😱🤩 Ticket already bought 🤩😱
#TomEllis #LuciferNetflix
Can’t wait for #LuciConNJ to flood my TL with #LuciferNetflix content. Right now all I seem to see is political stuff. Need me some wholesome #TomEllis to feed my soul xx
#LuciConNJ #lucifernetflix #TomEllis
if you see this tweet, quote it with 4 pics that expose your taste in men. #TomEllis #GeorgeMichael #ChrisEvans #OrlandoBloom xx
RT @Salcaluzac
if you see this tweet, quote it with 4 pics that expose your taste in men. #TomEllis #CillianMurphy #StephenAmell #SimonBaker https://twitter.com/EmmanuelleChas2/status/1642262171928207361 https://t.co/teq3p3DLZv
#TomEllis #GeorgeMichael #ChrisEvans #OrlandoBloom #CillianMurphy #StephenAmell #SimonBaker
Happy 1st of April. I don’t care much for April Fool’s Day but I do love the picture on my calendar this month xx #TomEllis #LuciferNetflix
Had a lovely random day off today (use it or loose it policy at work). Pretty much just lazed around watching TV & looking at some very fine picture of #TomEllis like this gorgeous gem from Paulo xx
Twitter in it's death throws?
Anyhow I'll just wallow in the memories of over a week ago...
RT @TomsCardi
A reminder, #TomEllis is on Episode 6 of "That's My Jam" on Sat 21 Jan 2023 😍 https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001hj1x
Nearly the end of #Tomember and Day 29 is Kiss. I have the pleasure to present to you #TomEllis as #Lucifer - The Kiss compilation. Courtesy of Lev @neuralcluster xx