RT @sal636@twitter.com

Do @theDemocrats@twitter.com have a litmus test? No, but they should. @TomPerez@twitter.com should resign for letting Mike Bloomberg run as a Democrat. Bloomberg is the antithesis of what the party stands for, or at least use to.


🐦🔗: twitter.com/sal636/status/1227


Last updated 5 years ago

RT @feetothefire@twitter.com

The primary will be rigged every step of the way.
and @BernieSanders@twitter.com
should contest every result in every primary moving forward and demand a paper count.

🐦🔗: twitter.com/feetothefire/statu

#TomPerezResign #MayorCheat #DNCIsCorrupt #DNCRigged #IowaCaucusDisaster #BernieWon #presidentberniesanders #notmeus

Last updated 5 years ago

RT @saucerspecial@twitter.com

I hope yesterday made it perfectly clear that the Democratic party is beyond saving.

They will literally choose fascism over giving you healthcare and a livable wage.

They are banking on us doing NOTHING.

🐦🔗: twitter.com/saucerspecial/stat

#MayoCheat #generalstrike #Bernie2020 #cheatingPete #TomPerezResign

Last updated 5 years ago