Tonight’s #vinyl #tomrobinsonband #tomrobinson debut album Power In The Darkness (1978) double album US pressing. Full of power rock anthems played with great panache from a tight four piece. The lyrics reflect the politics of the time but in the case of the title track it could apply to the UK 🇬🇧 today. The band disagreed with each other and this line up never made another album. Saw them live around this time and they were a phenomenal act
#TomRobinson #tomrobinsonband #vinyl
Went to an #EdinburghFringe show last night. A recording for #bbc. Vic Galloway interviewed #TomRobinson for an hour, covering his career as a singer, presenter and activist. The man is a force of nature and so inspiring
#TomRobinson #bbc #EdinburghFringe
Tonight I saw five really bloody talented musicians and heard a voice that hasn't changed since I was far too young to hear it live, and I loved every minute of it.
@TomRobinson Harmonie Bonn - 13.03.23
#trb #tomrobinsonband #tomrobinson
#winterof79 #gladtobegay #2468motorway #powerinthedarkness
#livemusic #musicphotography #photography
#livemusic #musicphotography #photography #TRB #tomrobinsonband #TomRobinson #winterof79 #gladtobegay #2468motorway #powerinthedarkness
#TomRobinson, a national treasure & #gayicon
#music #musica #musique #musik #musikken
#WeAreTheRadio #QueerRadio #MastoRadio #TootRadio #FediRadio #pouetradio #SommesLaRadio
#LGBTQIAplus :newpride: :anqueer_flag:
#trb #tomrobinsonband #TomRobinson #gayicon #powerinthedarkness #Music #musica #musique #musik #musikken #wearetheradio #queerradio #mastoradio #tootradio #fediradio #pouetradio #sommeslaradio #lgbtqiaplus
#TomRobinson, a national treasure & #gayicon
#music #musica #musique #musik #musikken
#WeAreTheRadio #QueerRadio #MastoRadio #TootRadio #FediRadio #pouetradio #SommesLaRadio
#trb #tomrobinsonband #TomRobinson #gayicon #powerinthedarkness #Music #musica #musique #musik #musikken #wearetheradio #queerradio #mastoradio #tootradio #fediradio #pouetradio #sommeslaradio #lgbtqiaplus
This will be a real treat!
Paraphrased from Marry's Twitter feed:
On Thursday, Lisa Knapp and Marry Wsterson will be chatting to
Tom Robinson, who is sitting in for Marc Riley on BBC6Music
Tom will be playing some unreleased Hack Poets Guild songs from their album with Nathaniel Mann, Blackletter Garland.
#HackPoetsGuild #LisaKnapp #MarryWaterson #NathanielMann #TomRobinson #BBC6MUSIC #BlackletterGarland #NewMusic
#hackpoetsguild #lisaknapp #marrywaterson #nathanielmann #TomRobinson #bbc6music #blacklettergarland #newmusic
First act of the night at Wakefield Labour Club Red Shed. A good crowd in for The Tinderbox Experience. I’m on next. #music #poetry #spokenword #bbc6music #tomrobinson #freshnet #wakefield
#wakefield #freshnet #TomRobinson #bbc6music #spokenword #poetry #music
Legende! Veranstaltungstipp
This #TomRobinson song is like a film script of a Saturday night in my life #Hootenanny
Just for this moment, for all the broken hearts out there, here's a Leis Furey song I only know because of #TomRobinson
Today's random #Discogs choice Tom Robinson and War Baby 7" 1983.
What. A. Song!
#nowplaying #music #TomRobinson
#TomRobinson #music #nowplaying #discogs
Today's random #Discogs choice Tom Robinson and War Baby 7" 1983.
What. A. Song!
#nowplaying #music #TomRobinson
#TomRobinson #music #nowplaying #discogs
Such a good record this, so glad I got to see him live a few months ago, he actually played all the songs on this record( I think) ! Greatest hits I guess.
@freshnet @TomRobinson
@TheManchesterWalkingTour Welcome to mastodon :) Tom’s here, too! @TomRobinson
#tomrobinson #BBC6Music
I was toddling along quite happily on here with my one post and zero followers. And then I got my first follow-back.
And it was only @TomRobinson
That’s THE #tomrobinson of #tomrobinsonband #trb , #rock #legend , #lgbt #lgbtq rights activist, key figure in #rockagainstracism #rar #amnesty and a load of other stuff …and now giving a helping hand to the next generation on #BBC6Music
It’s all downhill for me from here, but thanks Tom :)
#TomRobinson #tomrobinsonband #trb #rock #legend #lgbt #lgbtq #rockagainstracism #rar #amnesty #bbc6music
[1978] Tom Robinson Band - Top of the Pops performance of Up Against the Wall.
📬 Axie Infinity: Hacker stehlen Krypto im Wert von ca. 600 Mio USD #Gaming #Hacking #Krypto #AleksanderLarsen #AxieInfinity #Hackangriff #NetzwerkRonin #NFT #SkyMavisLtd #TomRobinson
#TomRobinson #SkyMavisLtd #nft #NetzwerkRonin #hackangriff #AxieInfinity #AleksanderLarsen #krypto #hacking #gaming
1979. :newpride:
NOTE: TOM Robinson, not the hatemonger Tommy Robinson.
'Tommy' is an abomination. Tom is a respectable #gay elder.
Tom Robinson - short version Glad To Be Gay at Amnesty's "Secret Policeman's Ball" 1979. Full length version is here: For backgr...
#gay #TomRobinson #GladToBeGay #Music #lgbtqia #mĂşsica #musique #musik
📬AlphaBay is back: Ex-Marktführer der Darknet-Marketplaces wagt Neustart📬 #OperationBayonet #DarkCommerce #TomRobinson #AlphaBay #DeSnake #Monero #Dread #I2P
#i2p #dread #monero #DeSnake #alphabay #TomRobinson #DarkCommerce #OperationBayonet
📬Bug Bounty: Poly Network belohnt Hacker mit 500.000 US-Dollar📬 #Kryptowährungen #SmartContracts #PolyNetwork #TomRobinson #MrWhiteHat #BugBounty #Elliptic #Hacking #Krypto
#krypto #hacking #Elliptic #bugbounty #MrWhiteHat #TomRobinson #PolyNetwork #smartcontracts #kryptowährungen