#DNAWithSourabh Full Audio 🎧
Monday, August 7, 2023
• #NewsClick: Portal linked to #China propaganda effort; #BJP accuses #Congress of anti-India agenda (https://www.dnaindia.com/analysis/report-dna-tv-show-how-news-portal-other-organisation-spread-chinese-propaganda-sourabh-raaj-jain-3054962)
• #TomatoPriceHike: Why tomato prices skyrocket when they leave the market (https://zeenews.india.com/economy/tomatoes-price-crisis-cost-of-preparing-a-vegetarian-thali-at-home-goes-higher-than-non-vegetarian-thali-2646155.html)
• #NitinDesai: #FIR names #Edelweiss chairman, officers for alleged abetment (https://www.dnaindia.com/bollywood/report-nitin-desai-death-case-fir-registered-against-edelweiss-group-chairman-others-for-alleged-abetment-of-suicide-3054655)
#DNA #India #Maharashtra #NCLT #NewDelhi #news #podcast #selfHarm #suicide #tomatoes #tomatoPrice #ZeeNews
#ZeeNews #TomatoPrice #tomatoes #suicide #selfharm #podcast #news #newdelhi #NCLT #maharashtra #india #dna #edelweiss #fir #nitindesai #tomatopricehike #congress #bjp #China #NewsClick #dnawithsourabh
#ComingUp on #DNAWithSourabh
Monday, August 7, 2023
• #NewsClick: Portal linked to #China propaganda effort; #BJP accuses #Congress of anti-India agenda
• #TomatoPriceHike: Why tomato prices skyrocket when they leave the market: decoding the maths
• #NitinDesai: Police register #FIR naming #Edelweiss chairman, officers for alleged abetment of #suicide
#DNA #India #Maharashtra #NCLT #NewDelhi #news #selfHarm #tomatoes #tomatoPrice #ZeeNews
#ZeeNews #TomatoPrice #tomatoes #selfharm #news #newdelhi #NCLT #maharashtra #india #dna #suicide #edelweiss #fir #nitindesai #tomatopricehike #congress #bjp #China #NewsClick #dnawithsourabh #ComingUp