Jemand hat eine KI geschrieben die #TombRaider wie ein Mensch durchspielt (nicht wie ein Speedrunner) und das ganze auch in-character kommentiert. Echt gut gemacht. Wer nur das Ergebnis sehen will, es gibt auch Kapitelmarken.
And teasers of next week's finale.
And switch to VOX for #TombRaider. The Angelina Jolie one, this time.
#TombRaider #BeautyAndTheNerd #trashtv
Den letzten Arbeitstag vor den Feiertagen nochmal ruhig verbringen. Tasks zu Ende bringen und danach die freien Tage genießen.
Mal schauen, wie weit ich die nächsten Tage mit Rise of the #TombRaider vorankomme.
#TombRaider #dailytoot #challenge
Phoebe Waller-Bridge is reportedly writing a Tomb Raider TV series for Amazon
------------------ #entertainment #adaptation #TombRaider #Amazon #News #TV
#Entertainment #adaptation #TombRaider #Amazon #News #TV
PowerWash Simulator is getting a Tomb Raider map, coming to PlayStation and Switch
------------------ #PowerWashSimulator #NintendoSwitch #PlayStation4 #PlayStation5 #SquareEnix #TombRaider #FuturLab #News
#PowerWashSimulator #NintendoSwitch #PlayStation4 #playstation5 #SquareEnix #TombRaider #FuturLab #News
It was back in 1997, December 24th when I got the #ps1 version of #TombRaiderII! It's been 25 years since I first played it. Still remember the moment when I played it, on that day. How excited I was. It was a special time back then.
Happy anniversary
#ps1 #tombraiderii #retrogaming #TombRaider #tombraider2 #playstation
@Sonikku Haha, yeah, it's a shame too because many of the levels were quite colorful (lots of acid greens and eldritch purples, plenty of lava red!), even if the overall tone could be muted and earthy.
I do feel like #Quake is even a bit underrated for how much it originated the techniques and aesthetics of FPS to this day. It's right there with #Mario64 and #TombRaider in 1996 as the stars of the new (true) 3D medium.
Let's see if Tomb Raider is easier to play without the voice controls randomly pausing the game. #PS5 #TombRaider
Amazon Games will publish Crystal Dynamics’ new Tomb Raider game
------------------ #CrystalDynamics #embracergroup #AmazonGames #TombRaider #LaraCroft #industry #News
#CrystalDynamics #embracergroup #AmazonGames #TombRaider #LaraCroft #industry #News
10 best video game movies of all time
------------------ #DetectivePikachu #SonictheHedgehog #SuperMarioBros. #FinalFantasyXV #ResidentEvil #TombRaider #Uncharted #Movies
#DetectivePikachu #SonictheHedgehog #SuperMarioBros #FinalFantasyXV #ResidentEvil #TombRaider #Uncharted #Movies
Trying to play #TombRaider on #Google Stadia before it closes. And well, this is basically Die Hard in a forest right?
#InGamePhoto #videogame
#TombRaider #google #InGamePhoto #videogame
@fadedkamui The closest you can do is search for the hashtag #TombRaider or whatever and hope that people remember to tag their posts
In some ways it's similar to the micro-tactical scenario engagements seen in #Fallout and #TheLastOfUs and #TombRaider, but massively expanded in scope and complexity, with far more rewarding interruptions of NPC loops.
But the character design is problematic.
#fallout #TheLastOfUs #TombRaider
J'avais envie de regarder un truc simple et divertissant, je me suis tourné vers le #TombRaider de 2018, et je me suis laissé surprendre dans les cinq premières minutes avec une #LaraCroft en cycliste genre #Uber Eats, et aux capacités physiques tout justes normales.
Je me demande ce que ça la suite va donner, mais le décalage de parti pris avec les deux premiers opus en film est… intéressant.