@janwwbosch I did not make the #TootUp but if there is a future one I will be there.
If I remember to put Melly in my pocket I'll leave them out on the table in Vice Coffee on Abbey Street for our #TootUp. From about 2:30.
But more importantly be at the GPO at 1:30 today to shout that #RefugeesAreWelcome! #RefugeesWelcome
#TootUp #refugeesarewelcome #refugeeswelcome
Did somebody say #mastodaoine #TootUp afterwards??
Hows abouts 2:30 in Vice Coffee on Abbey Street?
Everything should be wrapped up by then?
Great first #Tootup #thamesvalley #rdguk far more content that could fit into an ii-person toot. Roll on the next! Thx @jangles @andypiper @drewb
@explorergrace @Essjax @ptoothfish @SueT_00 @whatthehall @Veronica @SnarkMaiden @phil_tanner I just did a Mastodon search of #TootUp and see it already exists for precisely this purpose.
In case anyone is interested, having a small #TootUp(?) on Sat 21st, at The #WaterfrontBar in #Raumati, around 2pm.
Will be outdoors (I'll book a table) - they have covered outdoors area in case of poor weather.
Pre-attendance negative RAT is requested.
If you're interested, please let me know, so I assess numbers for booking.
#TootUp #waterfrontbar #raumati
I love the #tootup get-togethers I see in the feed. First post on Hachyderm. Hi, all!
I'm a little disappointed to realize that I missed a #hachyderm #tootup in #seattle this weekend
Having fun with @paris at the official Seattle #TootUp so many good conversations about federation.
There's a bunch of us who've been running the worlds longest continuous Tweetup called #DalkeyOpen
First Thursday of every month since 2010.
Next one tomorrow December 1st in the Club in Dalkey from 8pm....
Everyone welcome. (Most of us are blow-ins for the evening)
@cmyrland @Kjell Driver dere Ä sier at Gullkorn er verdt en tur, assÄ? SÄnn helt opp fra Oslo? Kanskje dere skal lage en sÄnn #TootUp? Eller et #TuteMÞte?
Given there's both a whole heap of #IrishTwitter I know and a bunch I don't...
There's a bunch of us who've been running the worlds longest Tweetup called #DalkeyOpen
First Thursday of every month.
Next one will be the 1st December in the Club in Dalkey.
Sometimes there's four of us sometimes 14 or 24....
All welcome.
#tweetup #TootUp #irishtwitter #DalkeyOpen
#TootUp #tweetup #irishtwitter