@eniko Seems to me like Mastodon should definitely be a place where people get to toot their own horn...
In fact I would really expect there to be a hashtag for this! I see one post in #TootYourOwnHorn why not start using that?
I think I'll start using that myself and will start following it. It also provides a nice phrase to filter out for people who don't want to see it, I think.
@velobetty And the brass band people post videos of themselves playing with hashtag #TootYourOwnHorn
What did you do today that went well? I arose early and wrote some #NaNoWriMo words, then cycled to work on my trusty Dahon #bike.
I did a mental health act assessment #MHA at someone's home, which the patient seemed to enjoy even though the outcome was that they needed to come into hospital, sadly. One of the doctors at the assessment agreed to follow my son on #twitch while we were waiting for the ambulance so he now has 57 followers! Good day.
#TootYourOwnHorn #nanowrimo #bike #MHA #Twitch