brett danvers · @Digger_71
232 followers · 1969 posts · Server

Monday night life drawing at Toowoomba Art Society. I missed the last two weeks so was happy to be able to make it.

My fountain pen dried up and my brush pen was empty so I sketched with a Pilot Parallel pen filled with magenta ink.

I used the parallel pen and a waterbrush.

#mastoart #art #sketching #pensketching #watercolour #watercolor #lifedrawing #Toowoomba

Last updated 1 year ago

EV not Petrol · @samhkennedy
302 followers · 249 posts · Server

One of my favourite cafe’s in . Always pays to book. Margaret St near Queen’s Park.


Last updated 1 year ago

brett danvers · @Digger_71
227 followers · 1940 posts · Server

This afternoon I sketched the view out of my driver's side window as we waited for our grandson after school.

#mastoart #art #sketching #pensketching #watercolour #watercolor #pleinair #urbansketching #Toowoomba

Last updated 1 year ago

brett danvers · @Digger_71
219 followers · 1932 posts · Server

Thursday's trike ride. I rode over to the post office at Clifford Gardens and then rode around Toowoomba until I saw this house in Mt Lofty.

A wonky A frame. It's a bit different to the older Toowoomba houses.

#mastoart #art #sketching #pensketching #watercolour #watercolor #pleinair #urbansketching #cycling #biketooter #recumbenttrike #etrike #greenspeedtrike #Toowoomba

Last updated 1 year ago

brett danvers · @Digger_71
218 followers · 1929 posts · Server

Yesterday I went for another trike ride around Toowoomba. Only 21 km. I zigzagged around and stopped at a hardware store.

I then stopped outside Millbrook house which is very run down and has builder's signs on the front fence.

I parked the trike outside the gate and sketched the view through the gate.

#urbansketching #penandwatercolour #sketch #mastoart #art #Toowoomba

Last updated 1 year ago

brett danvers · @Digger_71
214 followers · 1931 posts · Server

Life drawing at Toowoomba Art Society last night. A very big turnout. They had to move things around to make room.


#mastoart #art #sketching #pensketching #waterbrush #lifedrawing #Toowoomba

Last updated 1 year ago

brett danvers · @Digger_71
207 followers · 1926 posts · Server

Today's trike ride. Only 29 km. I made a long stop at Ground Up Espresso for a toasted sandwich and coffee. I sat inside with a window view of my trike. I also have a good position to sketch the cafe.

#mastoart #art #sketching #pensketching #watercolour #watercolor #pleinair #urbansketching #cycling #biketooter #recumbenttrike #etrike #Toowoomba #groundupespressotoowoomba

Last updated 1 year ago

brett danvers · @Digger_71
207 followers · 1926 posts · Server

Yesterday afternoon I drove over to East Toowoomba to sketch. This time I remembered to take my folding stool.

I parked opposite to a couple of houses I wanted to draw where I could sit in the shade.

I set up my easel and kit and sat on my stool ready to go. The seat was a little close to the easel so instead of lifting the easel and moving it forward I tried to bump the stool back a bit.

One leg of the stool stuck in the soft dirt and I went A over T backwards.

I then squirmed around until I could get myself up. Luckily I hadn't knocked the easel over.

#mastoart #art #sketching #pensketching #watercolour #watercolor #pleinair #urbansketching #Toowoomba

Last updated 1 year ago

brett danvers · @Digger_71
207 followers · 1926 posts · Server

Monday night life drawing at Toowoomba Art Society. For a change I drew with pastels on A3 paper except for the last 20 minute drawing where I reverted to fountain pen and waterbrush.

#mastoart #art #sketching #lifedrawing #pensketching #toowoombaartsociety #Toowoomba

Last updated 1 year ago

brett danvers · @Digger_71
196 followers · 1917 posts · Server

Today I went for a 51 km trike ride around Toowoomba. I rode out to Westbrook along the Gore highway.

I gave myself a bit of a fright going down the hill out of Drayton at about 55 km/h as it was way bumpier than I remembered and the trike doesn't have suspension.

I stopped at the Westbrook Macca's and then followed the Bunkers Hill School road and looped around through farmland.

When I reached the Toowoomba - Cecil Plain road I followed it back to Toowoomba.

My second coffee stop was at the Cafe de Velo where I sketched the workers at the counter.

#mastoart #art #sketching #pensketching #watercolour #watercolor #pleinair #urbansketching #cycling #biketooter #recumbenttrike #etrike #Toowoomba

Last updated 1 year ago

brett danvers · @Digger_71
194 followers · 1915 posts · Server

This morning I went for another trike ride. Only 19 km but everything worked well.

I stopped at some roadworks and parked on the footpath nearby. I sketched the workers.

A couple of them marked the concrete next to where I was sitting. One taught the other the 3,4,5 rule for getting a right angle when doing the marking. They were going to cut the concrete and said that it would be very loud.

I moved back and sat on a bench to finish the sketch while they cut the concrete.

#mastoart #art #sketching #pensketching #watercolour #watercolor #pleinair #urbansketching #cycling #biketooter #recumbenttrike #etrike #Toowoomba

Last updated 1 year ago

brett danvers · @Digger_71
194 followers · 1913 posts · Server

Yesterday I went for my first trike ride since 18 May. On the 18th a connection in the main wiring to the motor came loose, heated up and melted the insulation and also the buck converter for the 12v power to the lights indicators and horn.

Since then I neatened up the wiring harness and checked all the connections. I fitted a new buck converter and made an aluminium box for the components.

I did a 29 km ride and stopped at the TAFE campus to sketch. The buildings are in the brutalist style.

#mastoart #art #sketching #pensketching #watercolour #watercolor #pleinair #urbansketching #cycling #biketooter #recumbenttrike #etrike #Toowoomba

Last updated 1 year ago

brett danvers · @Digger_71
193 followers · 1898 posts · Server

I use a 350w 36v BBS01 with an 850c display on my recumbent trike. I use two batteries.

Recently when I turned the display on it would sometimes immediately turn off. Other times it would flicker and then work ok.

Today I went for a ride with fully charged batteries and everything was working ok. I stopped to sketch at about 20 km and when I turned it back on the screen was reading 23v and the motor didn't work. 30v is flat.

I turned it off and on and it read 16 - 24v. I turned it off again and switched to the other battery. It read 23v.

I did this a few times with no change. I rode home with it turned on but set to zero assist.

Half way home it read 40v but when I increased the assist the voltage immediately dropped so there was no assist.

I've been told it could be a bad connection so I will check out the connections and wiring from the batteries tomorrow.

#mastoart #art #sketching #pensketching #watercolour #watercolor #pleinair #urbansketching #cycling #biketooter #recumbenttrike #etrike #Toowoomba

Last updated 1 year ago

brett danvers · @Digger_71
186 followers · 1901 posts · Server

I went out this afternoon before the light went to sketch an autumn tree.

I've sketched this tree before, when I sat beside Hume St facing south. This afternoon I sat beside Long St facing east.

A young family walked past and had a look, the kids complimented me! The daughter said 'you're like an artist'. I replied 'yes, I am like one!'

Soon after, a young man came by and said hello. I didn't see him and my paint palette went flying. Since my stroke my startle reaction is dialled up to eleven 😉

He was embarrassed and helped pick everything up.

#mastoart #art #sketching #pensketching #watercolour #watercolor #pleinair #urbansketching #Toowoomba

Last updated 1 year ago

brett danvers · @Digger_71
185 followers · 1889 posts · Server

This morning I went for a meandering trike ride around the middle of Toowoomba. I first parked near the entrance to Toowoomba Grammar School where I sketched a broken pine tree. Until recently the was a large pine on each of the entrance. Now there is one and a shattered stump.

Other rode down Margaret St to a clock repair shop to enquire about if they could fix an old flip clock I own. No luck.

I stopped then rode around some other shops before returning. My last stop was at a bakery to buy lunch to take home.

#mastoart #art #sketching #pensketching #watercolour #watercolor #pleinair #urbansketching #cycling #biketooter #recumbenttrike #etrike #Toowoomba

Last updated 2 years ago

brett danvers · @Digger_71
181 followers · 1880 posts · Server

On Thursday we took the grandchildren to school and then had two hours wait until a booking for a haircut.

We went through a drive through for coffee, then drove over to the cemetery to sit and drink.

From the driver's seat I sketched the cemetery work depot.

#mastoart #art #sketching #pensketching #watercolour #watercolor #pleinair #urbansketching #Toowoomba

Last updated 2 years ago

brett danvers · @Digger_71
178 followers · 1880 posts · Server

On Wednesday I went for a trike ride around Toowoomba. I stopped at a camping shop. I was looking for a replacement water bladder hose. They didn't have one, only complete units.

I then rode down James St, something I don't usually do. It's the main traffic route through the town. Before they put a bypass it it was packed with semi trailers. They're mostly gone but the traffic is still heavy.

I stopped at a workshop for hot rods and chopped vehicles, parked on the footpath, and sketched the vehicles out front.

The owner came out to have a look and talked about his cargo bike that was parked there. He used to take his kids to school, now it's used by the staff to collect parts.

#mastoart #art #sketching #pensketching #watercolour #watercolor #pleinair #urbansketching #cycling #biketooter #cargobike #recumbenttrike #etrike #Toowoomba

Last updated 2 years ago

brett danvers · @Digger_71
177 followers · 1880 posts · Server

Life drawing tonight at the Toowoomba Art Society. I met one of the other artists in the carpark on the way in. He complimented me on my sketches on Instagram and told me how much he admired them. 😊

I missed the last three weeks so was a bit rusty but the last three drawings turned out ok.

The model for the night was a retired exotic dancer in her 70's. She was back at TAS after a two year break.

#mastoart #art #sketching #pensketching #lifedrawing #Toowoomba #toowoombaartsociety

Last updated 2 years ago

brett danvers · @Digger_71
175 followers · 1874 posts · Server

This morning I went for a short trike ride around the east side of Toowoomba. I stopped up the street from my home and sketched a couple of houses and a pumpkin stand outside of one.

#mastoart #art #sketching #pensketching #watercolour #watercolor #pleinair #urbansketching #cycling #biketooter #recumbenttrike #etrike #Toowoomba

Last updated 2 years ago

brett danvers · @Digger_71
161 followers · 1833 posts · Server

Life drawing tonight at the Toowoomba Art Society. A good turnout, the place was full.

#art #lifedrawing #mastoart #Toowoomba #penandink

Last updated 2 years ago