One of the coolest moments committed to celluloid. The ‘Gotta smoke’ moment in John Carpenter’s ‘Assault on Precinct 13’ (1976) with Darwin Joston as Napoleon Wilson and Laurie Zimmer as Leigh. Re-watching this and have to say this has become my number 1 film, bumping Bladerunner from the top spot. #JohnCarpenter #AssaultOnPrecinct13 #DarwinJoston #zLaurieZimmer #NapoleonWilson #FavouriteFilm #Cinema #TopTenMovies
#johncarpenter #assaultonprecinct13 #darwinjoston #zlauriezimmer #napoleonwilson #favouritefilm #cinema #TopTenMovies
@mattehudson The top two are consistent but the rest move around:
1. Bladerunner
2. The Company of Wolves
3. Inception
4. The Remains of the Day
5. Heat
6. Highlander
7. Aliens
8. The Big Country
9. The Man Who would be King
10. The Woman King (new)