Good grief, this man is a minister of the realm and he’s talking about the chairman of the party of government.
What have we come to?
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Henry Riley: On whether Lee Anderson was right to say asylum seekers should “f*** off” if they don’t like the barges
Cabinet Minister Alex Chalk
“Lee Anderson expresses the righteous indignation of the British People... there is a lot of sense in what Lee says”
How shaming for a country that once led the world to better human rights.
What have the #Conservatives done to this country?
<div class="rsshub-quote">
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency: UK Illegal Migration Bill: UNHCR High Commissioner @FilippoGrandi and @UNHumanRights chief @volker_turk warn of profound impact on human rights and international refugee protection system.
#conservatives #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry
RT @SimplyRedHQ: Damning indictment by the New York Times on Brexit and 13 yrs of successive Tory Govts. #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry
Carlsberg don't do petitions. But if they did...
Sadly, this is parody, but based on their actions, wish it was real
#ToriesCorruptToTheCore #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #ToriesUnfitToGovern #GTTO #GTTONow #FBPE
#toriescorrupttothecore #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #ToriesUnfitToGovern #gtto #GTTONow #FBPE
Funny how those who were so supportive of Brexit & called us “project fear” when warning of the pending disaster, are now shocked by its failure…
#ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #ToriesCostLives #ToriesUnfitToGovern
#ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #toriescostlives #ToriesUnfitToGovern
The Tories always have money for themselves & their friends but never for the NHS, social services, teachers, school meals for kids or supporting the elderly
#supportthenhs #ToryCorruption #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #ToriesDestroyingOurNHS #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #ToriesOutNow
#supportthenhs #ToryCorruption #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #toriesdestroyingournhs #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #ToriesOutNow
Inequality creates a dystopia in every possible respect.
And it's not the fault of the poor or the migrants.
Take a look at who exactly is running off with your money....
RT @IP2guy: Interesting article in the Economist.
In summary: something mysterious happened in the early 2010s and now people from poorer areas of the UK are dying early in their tens of thousands.
Any ideas?
RT @TheStephenRalph
Patrick Grant, fashion designer on @bbcquestiontime telling it like it is.
#BritainIsBroken #BrexitHasFailed #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #Brexit
#britainisbroken #BrexitHasFailed #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #brexit
The hypocrisy of the #ToryScum is everlasting & predictable. Clap on a Thu - Fire on a Mon…
#savetheNHS #supportNHS #SupportTheStrikes #NHS #NHSCrisis #ToryLies #ToryScum #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #ToriesCostLives
#ToryScum #saveTheNHS #supportnhs #SupportTheStrikes #nhs #nhscrisis #ToryLies #ToryCriminalsUnfitToGovern #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #toriescostlives
When satire is funny weird rather than funny haha…
#TheIrony #rishisunakisnotmypm #ToryScum #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #ToriesUnfitToGovern #ToriesOut
#theirony #rishisunakisnotmypm #ToryScum #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #ToriesUnfitToGovern #ToriesOut
This 👇🏼 is the truth, not the BS & propaganda spread by Westminster
#SaveOurNHS #SupportOurNurses #StandUpFightBack ✊
#ToryScum #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #ToriesUnfitToGovern #ToryLies
#SaveOurNHS #SupportOurNurses #standupfightback #ToryScum #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #ToriesUnfitToGovern #ToryLies
No wonder they claim they can’t afford to pay nurses more - they’re too busy paying themselves (& their families & friends)
#SaveOurNHS #SupportOurNurses #StandUpFightBack ✊
#ToryScum #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #ToriesUnfitToGovern
#SaveOurNHS #SupportOurNurses #standupfightback #ToryScum #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #ToriesUnfitToGovern
As always the #ToryScum peddling #ToryLies proving yet again they are #ToriesUnfitToGovern #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry so support #NursesStrike #NHS #NHSCrisis #SaveOurNHS #DoctorsStrike #BMA #RNC
#ToryScum #ToryLies #ToriesUnfitToGovern #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #nursesstrike #nhs #nhscrisis #SaveOurNHS #DoctorsStrike #bma #rnc
Staff shortages - ignored
Staff requests for pay increase - ignored & denied
Staff using their democratic human rights to strike - being removed & staff being fired
The vicious circle continues
#NHSCrisis #NHS #nurses #NursesStrike #ToryScum #ToriesUnfitToGovern #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #ToryFascists #toryfascistdictatorship
#nhscrisis #nhs #nurses #nursesstrike #ToryScum #ToriesUnfitToGovern #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #ToryFascists #ToryFascistDictatorship
There's a reason why Green Party members were (and are) in favour of EU membership, and why #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry wanted out and want rid of the laws we currently have. Look at this!
RT @KeasdenKate: 3/3: And for those short of time the contents list doubles as a quick summary of the environmental consequences of the Retained EU Law Bill👇🏻 #DefendNature
#ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #DefendNature
Pretty much - so f*ck Harry & f*ck the Tories
People wake up before the #NHS is gone because that’s what the #ToryCorruption #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry are doing & the media is helping us them by focusing on the royals instead of the actual news!
#nhs #ToryCorruption #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry
There you have it - clear as day & out in the open, the #ToryScum are deliberately destroying the #NHS & causing the #NHSCrisis so they can bring in the US-insurance based system where the rich can afford healthcare & the poor die #ToryCorruption & #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry are truths that need to be said out loud
#ToryScum #nhs #nhscrisis #ToryCorruption #ToriesDestroyingOurCountry
It’s a “mystery”… Not!
#ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #ToriesUnfitToGovern #ToriesDestroyingOurNHS #ToryCorruption #ToryScum #ToryCostOfGreedCrisis #ToryLies
#ToriesDestroyingOurCountry #ToriesUnfitToGovern #toriesdestroyingournhs #ToryCorruption #ToryScum #torycostofgreedcrisis #ToryLies