RT @GOV2UK@twitter.com
Conservative Councillors at Central Bedfordshire Council voted unanimously against 82p worth of #FreeSchoolMeals per child per day..
..then immediately voted FOR a payrise for themselves saying "we're all affected by cost-of-living crisis".
Never Vote Tory.
#GENow #ToriesOut88 #freeschoolmeals
Schools minister announces what he worries about most if a decent party got into power and started to put things right.
That fees would rise in private schools (where posh folk spend their ill gotten gains buying advantages for their lazy kids).
RT @CallumCMason: Says "my biggest fear of all would be to remove the charitable status from private schools", says Gullis - a policy that Labour suggested …
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/catherinerowett/status/1577201895684218880