The encamped refugee people are subject to the last ultimate barrier in the form of the Scapegoat Dark Force oozing from the each link of every French persons watch chain! The slightest chance they might get a fairly decent life would be sweet to their ears & souls even if they unjustifiably attenuated their wishes for a say a house,a job,a peace.....only they face an ascorbic wretched tory government consigning them to prison conditions and hopefully their deaths to British waves!
When the Tories are sending around dossiers to right-wing media outlets of individual lawyers it wants them to do a hit job on, you know something is fundamentally broken in British democracy. The denigration of the legal profession is about twisting the rule of law.
The cancer that is the Conservative Party must be removed from this country.
Be in no doubt that if renewables fail in the UK it is because the #Tories and their donors want them to. #Sunak is a proven climate delayer.
Failure to support renewables in the way that nuclear and fossil fuels are subsidised is due to lobbying of the polluters. Tufton Street will be laughing with glee at this headline.
This article shows the first step in addressing #ClimateCatastrophe is to get rid of the right-wing populists.
Political reform is vital.
Strengthen democracies and enforce agreements made at climate summits.
We have to remove Sunak and the Tories. They are a cancer eating away at the state and our children’s future.
#ToriesOutNow #climatecatastrophe
Self-interest has always been the overriding policy of the Tories.
When #Sunak decides his party’s appeal should be the ‘right’ to carry on trashing the planet and making children’s lives less safe in towns and cities…then you realise there is no desire to ‘conserve’ left in the Conservative Party.
#GeneralElectionNOW #ToriesOutNow #Sunak
Liverpool and Edinburgh showing the Tories where it can shove it’s nasty anti-refugee legislation. Ships intended to house asylum seekers were turned around as refused permission to dock by the port authorities. The fight back against this abhorrent government is on!
#RefugeesAreWelcome #ToriesOutNow
#Sunak yet again shows himself to be a climate delayer who thinks he can ignore his party’s recent climate COP pledges and the plight of 25 Commonwealth countries who are island nations…not to mention the rest of the Global South who are already paying the price of climate breakdown.
Make no mistake, this is the short sighted agenda of the ultra wealthy. There is fossil fuel and dark money funding this position.
#climatebreakdown #electionnow #ToriesOutNow #sunakoutnow #Sunak
Like John Harris I was a child of the 80’s, educated in decaying, leaking portacabins with scrawled over 20 year old textbooks and no teaching assistants.
I want better for my children.
I sadly do get a sense of deja vu reading this piece, but I also think my generation knows what is at stake and can see things deteriorating before their eyes. They will vote to remove the cancer that is the Tory party and kick it out for good.
#GeneralElectionNOW #ToriesOutNow
More consequences of the #scumtories our children are shrinking because of the poverty created by the Conservative austerity. #ToriesOutNow the country cannot afford them. #imprisonSunak
#scumtories #ToriesOutNow #imprisonsunak
“We are on it…” says #RishiRich as more people struggle to make ends meet 🤬 #Tories are only focused on one thing and one thing only… trying to win the next election and don’t care about the people they are answerable to. #ToriesOutNow #ToriesUnfitForPurpose #CostOfLiving #interestrate #BOE
#boe #interestrate #costofliving #toriesunfitforpurpose #ToriesOutNow #tories #rishirich
Our recent type of parliament is peculiar.No potentate attends for rubber stamping,tho leading party majority & l.p.manifesto misreading of publics will are rubber stamped.U'd think parlt today was discussing dept issues related to urgent public needs,of infrastructure,health etc.but no;they have a Ukraine morning,even tho there is little we can & are doing because to do so would lead to nuclear war.We have Iran debates,where,drawing pay from us,theyre just venting their opinions! #ToriesOutNow
This is encouraging news during #RefugeeWeek that most Brits contrary to Tory rhetoric actually wants to welcome refugees.
We need people to vote with their heart not their supposed wallets (although quite why anyone would think after 13 years of austerity and cost of living crisis the Tories make them better off is beyond me…).
#electionnow #ToriesOutNow #refugeeweek
As his previous neighbour’s integrity is shattered beyond repair by the Privileges Committee, how did #Sunak choose to make it clear he is now PM? By laughing his head off during a photoshoot immigration raid with the Met police.
#ToriesOutNow #clownparty #Sunak
Its not in the public interest to withold information on who the Nottingham killer was on behalf of national security or fear of damaging that person or damaging other undercover operations going on.Should this be an asylum seeker,we need to know,regardless of fear of backlashes & public disquiet,in order to force the govt to put maximum effort into assessing & settling genuine asylum seekers & deporting the handful who are not.We cant have more knife crime haunting our streets! #ToriesOutNow!!
The fundamental dishonesty of #Brexit underlined by these empty shelves. New rules negotiated by deluded brexiteers like #Johnson, #Frost, #Raab et al will make things worse. Rejoin #singlemarket now. #RejoinEU #ToryLiars #ToryCorruption #ToriesOutNow
#brexit #johnson #frost #raab #SingleMarket #RejoinEU #ToryLiars #ToryCorruption #ToriesOutNow
In 2020 they clapped for nurses in fake solidarity
In 2023 they clamped down on nurses, bullying them, taking away their civil rights to strike & refusing to level their pay with in inflation
#ToryScum #ToriesDestroyingOurNHS #ToriesUnfitToGovern #ToriesOutNow #BullyBarcley #RNC #SupportNursesAndMidwives #supportnursestrike
#ToryScum #toriesdestroyingournhs #ToriesUnfitToGovern #ToriesOutNow #bullybarcley #rnc #supportnursesandmidwives #supportnursestrike
Simon Rattle is right: Britain is becoming a cultural desert – and that’s a political choice | Martin Kettle | The Guardian
Reality is Sunak’s enemy in this endless Tory campaign to defy political gravity
The PM posed as the leader who would finally tackle the serious issues. Now he is trying to stay in power by denying they exist