Had a blast at #KubeHuddle last week. I gave a talk, was on a panel, met some #cncfAmbassadors, and caught some talks! Check out my recap video!
#KubeHuddle #cncfambassadors #devrel #TorontoTech
Had a blast speaking in my hometown at #KubeHuddle Toronto this week!
#KubeHuddle #TorontoTech #devops #sre #cloudnative #cncfambassadors
Hey Toronto folks! Who will I see at KubeHuddle next month? And who wants stickers?
Happy Monday, y'all! Missed my talk on #Observability Anti-Patterns on April 4th? No problem! You can check out the recording ⬇️
Huge thanks to @steveelsewhere and the #DevOps Toronto community for having me!
#observability #devops #TorontoTech
Super stoked that @anamedina@hachyderm.I’m and I will be speaking at KubeHuddle on my home turf!
#devRel #Reliability #kubeHuddle #kubeHuddleToronto #torontoTech
#devrel #reliability #KubeHuddle #kubehuddletoronto #TorontoTech
Missed my talk at the #Toronto #HashiCorp User group last month? No problem! I recorded it afterwards. Enjoy! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
#terraform #olac #observability #TechTalks #TorontoTech #OLaC
#toronto #HashiCorp #terraform #olac #observability #techtalks #TorontoTech
This might sound a bit weird, but I wasn’t sure how well my in-person talk tonight would be received, given that I was wearing a mask for the whole thing. My takeaway is that if your content is engaging enough, people see past the mask!
#TorontoTech #techtalks #devrel
Rockin’ my @opentelemetry t-shirt for my #HashiCorp talk tonight. Kiddo wanted me to wear a tiara. I humored her with a pic. Tonight I’m subbing the tiara for a mask. 😷
#HashiCorp #TorontoTech #toronto
I'll be nerding out on #Observability and #Terraform on Wednesday at the #Toronto #HashiCorp User Group. Hope to see you there!!
#observability #terraform #toronto #HashiCorp #TorontoTech #hashicorpcommunity
Hey #Toronto tech folks! If you're a #HashiCorp fan and love meetups, then come to my talk next week at the Toronto HashiCorp User Group! Deets below:
#toronto #HashiCorp #TorontoTech #meetup