@Bullix Yes. You’re right about the NHS. The #ToryBastards ( Conservatives) have underfunded it so much that they cannot declare it unfit for purpose, & so, ripe for privatisation. They’ve had a shock at the level@of public support for NHS staff strikes, including nurses & doctors, whom most of us appreciate for their dedication. I’m a fan of Scandinavian model high tax, high public services systems. Always have been, even when I was earning well pre retirement. Still am.
Tory MPs push to toughen migration bill as rights chief sounds alarm https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/mar/27/tory-mps-push-to-toughen-migration-bill-as-rights-chief-sounds-alarm?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other #ToryBastards 🤢🤮
Everything I'm reading tells me that the NHS is in a state of sheer catastrophe, being overwhelmed by all kinds of seasonal illnesses and covid backlogs.
I am also reading that we should be afraid of another variant of covid very soon...
Where the fuck is the Government and why have they washed their hands of us all?
#nhs999 #SOSNHS #ToriesOut #GTTO #FBPE #FBPA #covid #NHS #criticalincident #TorySewageParty #ToryLiars #ToryDerelictionOfDuty #ToryBastards #ToryMurderers #SupportTheStrikes
#nhs999 #SOSNHS #ToriesOut #GTTO #fbpe #FBPA #covid #nhs #criticalincident #TorySewageParty #ToryLiars #toryderelictionofduty #ToryBastards #torymurderers #supportthestrikes