Start as we mean to carry on 😜 A 74km bimble around #SalisburyPlain got to make the most of #Imber being open 👍🏻
The Tankies even Chrismasfied Tanky McTank Face 😝
#MTB #MountainBike #totalmtb #justride #StantonSherpa #StantonBikes #SteelisReal #SPTA #MODonthePlain #cycling #biketooter
#salisburyplain #imber #mtb #mountainbike #TotalMTB #justride #stantonsherpa #stantonbikes #steelisreal #spta #modontheplain #cycling #BikeTooter
Not a bad result for the year, no goals were set, my confidence was knocked after my off in 2021. Battled to get my fitness back to do the Wales C2C courtesy of @mtbcymru that week boosted my confidence no end.
Tomorrow we start again 😜
No goals, #JustRide & Happy Trails 😜🤘🏻
#MTB #MountainBike #mtblife #mtblifestyle #mountainbikelifestyle #mountainbikelife #MTBInsta #totalmtb #justride #Strava #StravaWanker
#justride #mtb #mountainbike #mtblife #MTBLifestyle #mountainbikelifestyle #mountainbikelife #mtbinsta #TotalMTB #strava #stravawanker
Lots of 4x$'s on #SalisburyPlain but not many on the Byways, in fact more mud on my #MTB & me 😂 2/2
#MTB #MountainBike #mtblife #totalmtb #justride #StantonSherpa #StantonBikes #SteelisReal #SPTA #GhostVillageofImber #MODonthePlain #Cycling #Photography
#salisburyplain #mtb #mountainbike #mtblife #TotalMTB #justride #stantonsherpa #stantonbikes #steelisreal #spta #ghostvillageofimber #modontheplain #cycling #photography
A wet 💦 & very windy 💨💨 72km ride through #Imber Village & around #SalisburyPlain no where to hide from the headwind on the way back, legs definitely felt it 😂 1/2
#MTB #MountainBike #mtblife #totalmtb #justride #StantonSherpa #StantonBikes #SteelisReal #SPTA #GhostVillageofImber #MODonthePlain #Cycling #Photography
#imber #salisburyplain #mtb #mountainbike #mtblife #TotalMTB #justride #stantonsherpa #stantonbikes #steelisreal #spta #ghostvillageofimber #modontheplain #cycling #photography
Hmm #Enduro now an #UCI #MTB event 🤔 Not sure about that #EWS was good because UCI wasn’t involved, also now a single day, much preferred the multi day format. 😞
Still no news on where it will be broadcast, or how much it will cost though 🤑🤑🤑
#enduro #UCI #mtb #EWS #TotalMTB #mountainbike #cycling