#dwr #foto #fotografieren #mywork #art #Kunst #Leuven
So heißt dieses etwas makabere #Kunstwerk. Steht auf dem zentralen Marktplatz!
Wenn ich es richtig verstanden habe, soll die #Figur das alte mit dem neuen #Leuven verbinden.
Ich finde:
Es ist ein Hingucker auf den zweiten Blick!
Denn viele Menschen nehmen es erst einmal nicht wahr, soweit oben über den #Dächern.
Bleibt senkrecht und gesund!
#dachern #figur #kunstwerk #Totem #tour #crane #Tousled #Leuven #kunst #art #mywork #fotografieren #foto #dwr
Congratulations to all cast and crew of our MEDIA supported films that have won awards at the @berlinale 2023🎉
🔷#KlezmerProject — #GWFF Best First Feature Award
🔷Vicky Knight in #SilverHaze — @teddyaward 's Jury Award
🔷#Totem — Best Film of Competition by the Ecumenical jury
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/europe_creative/status/1630251916772118528
#KlezmerProject #GWFF #SilverHaze #Totem
Today's poem
- by Amy Clampitt
#poetry #AmyClampitt #athena #goddess #power #wisdom #warrior #totem #humanity #idol #realisation
#poetry #amyclampitt #athena #goddess #power #wisdom #warrior #Totem #humanity #idol #realisation
They say kangaroo populations are overabundant. Often untrue. Where true, people & economic development increase numbers by isolating them, e.g., roads thru habitat. Then people claim they're 'a danger to motorists'!
#anthropocentrism #wildlife #Biodiversity #BiodiversityCrisis #BiodiversityLoss
#colonialism #totem #FirstNations
#firstnations #Totem #colonialism #biodiversityloss #biodiversitycrisis #biodiversity #WildLife #anthropocentrism
Souvent les pages de discussion de wikipédia sont aussi intéressantes que les articles. Souvent un problème imaginaire développe d'étonnantes idées concrètes. Ici, il s'agit de choisir un totem parmi les arbres, alors comment est-ce que les sortes d'arbres se classent, apportent du sens, comment est-ce qu'il vaut mieux choisir tantot l'apparence, tantot la science, et comment se mettre d'accord avec tout ça.
The Smithsonian Magazine: Inside the #Nisgaa Nation’s Fight to Get a 36-Foot #Totem Pole Back From #Scotland
National Museums Scotland agreed to repatriate the object, which was stolen in 1929, following an in-person appeal by an #Indigenous delegation
#Indigenous #scotland #Totem #nisgaa
Gute Nacht.
#totem #kanada #lahr #stadtpark #blackandwhite #schwarzweiss #photography #fotografie #gutenacht
#gutenacht #fotografie #photography #schwarzweiss #blackandwhite #stadtpark #Lahr #kanada #Totem
Ik zag vanmiddag met onze negenjarige de film Totem in @forumgroningen . Mooi en gelaagd, een aanrader voor iedereen met een kind in z'n omgeving (al kun je ook best zonder kind gaan).
Ostia, atti vandalici a Parco Pietro Rosa: dopo la panchina distrutto il totem dei poeti #attivandalici #parco #rabbia #totem #23agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly9jYW5hbGVkaWVjaS5pdC8yMDIyLzA4LzIzL29zdGlhLWF0dGktdmFuZGFsaWNpLXBhcmNvLXBpZXRyby1yb3NhLXBhbmNoaW5hLWRpc3RydXR0by10b3RlbS1wb2V0aS8=
#23Agosto #Totem #rabbia #parco #attivandalici
Salerno. Scommesse illegali online e con Totem: 18 persone a processo | JAMMA #salerno #scommesse #illegali #online #totem #processo #jamma #17agosto https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuamFtbWEudHYvYXR0dWFsaXRhL3NhbGVybm8tc2NvbW1lc3NlLWlsbGVnYWxpLW9ubGluZS1lLWNvbi10b3RlbS0xOC1wZXJzb25lLWEtcHJvY2Vzc28tMjg4OTQ1
#17agosto #jamma #processo #Totem #online #illegali #Scommesse #salerno
Corte di Appello di Palermo conferma sanzione di 20mila euro per il totem nel bar: carta e punti provano il gioco d’azzardo | JAMMA #totem #4luglio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuamFtbWEudHYvYXR0dWFsaXRhL2NvcnRlLWRpLWFwcGVsbG8tZGktcGFsZXJtby1jb25mZXJtYS1zYW56aW9uZS1kaS0yMG1pbGEtZXVyby1wZXItaWwtdG90ZW0tbmVsLWJhci1jYXJ0YS1lLXB1bnRpLXByb3Zhbm8taWwtZ2lvY28tZGF6emFyZG8tMjg3Mjg2
La guerra e l`inflazione fanno paura: la transizione ecologica non è più un totem - HuffPost Italia #guerra #linflazione #fanno #paura #transizione #ecologica #totem #huffpost #italia #8giugno https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaHVmZmluZ3RvbnBvc3QuaXQvZXN0ZXJpLzIwMjIvMDYvMDcvbmV3cy9sYV9ndWVycmFfZV9sX2luZmxhemlvbmVfZmFubm9fcGF1cmFfbGFfdHJhbnNpemlvbmVfZWNvbG9naWNhX25vbl9lX3BpdV91bl90b3RlbS05NTQ5MjMwLw==
#8giugno #italia #huffpost #Totem #ecologica #transizione #paura #fanno #linflazione #guerra
Bari: PC collegato in rete raccoglieva scommesse, confermata sanzione da 20.000 euro a esercente | JAMMA #adm #pc #Scommesse #totem #22maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuamFtbWEudHYvYXR0dWFsaXRhc3gvYmFyaS1wYy1jb2xsZWdhdG8taW4tcmV0ZS1yYWNjb2dsaWV2YS1zY29tbWVzc2UtY29uZmVybWF0YS1zYW56aW9uZS1kYS0yMC0wMDAtZXVyby1hLWVzZXJjZW50ZS0yODUwMjQ=
#22Maggio #Totem #Scommesse #pc #adm