out on now.

in my lifetime the place i grew up in will be submerged.
i am not aware if i have got ancestors, who are not to blame for it.

#TotesFormat #anarxnoise

Last updated 1 year ago



available for all available items priced 6€, as long as stocks last. get in contact before hand, to make sure you what you want is available, otherwise i chose what replaces the sold out item. no refunds. btw, most downloads are 'pay what you can'. happy shopping.


#anarxnoise #TotesFormat #cassette #tape #cdr

Last updated 1 year ago

Good news: the next release will be a split-tape of RADIO FREE UL-QUOMA (@rustpunks) + COLDSORE with a deluge of acoustic near future disaster dystopias. Stay detuned.

#TotesFormat #dystopia #environmentaldisaster #experimentalnoise #doomdrone #coldsoresound #radiofreeulquoma #darkambientnoise #makenoisebashfascism #anarxnoise

Last updated 2 years ago


(almost all digital releases are available on a donation basis, the hardware will be available again at a later date, when i have settled in to my new shelters.)

#TotesFormat #BandcampFriday #anarxnoise #noise #experimentalmusic #minilabel #microlabel #nanolabel #independentpublishing #Anarchist #antifascists #deadformat

Last updated 2 years ago

On this Saturday, the 14th at 16:30 i will perform as COLDSORE at the @noisetraffic event in the @vapaantaiteentila bunker.(Vilhonvuorenkuja 15-16, 00500 Helsinki)

I'll also have a little stall with and some machines (cash only!) See you there.

COLDSORE is a project by grm, who has been working with experimental sounds since 1999 with various names and projects. the main focus of all works is environmental trauma/destruction, which besides land, water, sky and plants also includes the spheres of the individual's human animal's psyche under the impact of current political, technological and social climate.

Click this:

(photo: COLDSORE at SORBUS, a few years back)

#TotesFormat #metsaan #anarchxnoise

Last updated 2 years ago

On this Saturday, the 14th at 16:30 i will perform as COLDSORE at the @noisetraffic event in the @vapaantaiteentila bunker.(Vilhonvuorenkuja 15-16, 00500 Helsinki)

I'll also have a little stall with and some machines (cash only!) See you there.

COLDSORE is a project by grm, who has been working with experimental sounds since 1999 with various names and projects. the main focus of all works is environmental trauma/destruction, which besides land, water, sky and plants also includes the spheres of the individual's human animal's psyche under the impact of current political, technological and social climate.

Click this:

(photo: COLDSORE at SORBUS, a few years back)

#TotesFormat #metsaan

Last updated 2 years ago

Let's connect

...makers with the hashtag , please.

i would be happy to connect with more of you in one way or another. i run a small label called and since i am active in the 'noise scene' i was always disgusted by the sheer amount of welcoming tolerance to all the fascists (and the like) in those spheres.

#Anarchist #noise #drone #darkambient #ExperimentalSound #experimentalmusic #anarchxnoise #TotesFormat

Last updated 2 years ago

Today was the first time that i have DELETED a release of , because it came to my attention that one of the artist has previously released with the finnish fascist run noise label 'freak animal'. After communicating with the arist in question about it, it seemed a) the person does not care about it at all and b) might not really understand my issues with collaborating with fascists.

here's the TOTES FORMAT statement on the matter (which is a work in progress) and should at some point be formulated into a proper text on the matter, that can be spread around in the 'problem zones'. for now it feels like i am riding Rocinante.

This item is deleted from the list of our releases.

TOTES FORMAT does not support or wants to be associated with artist that work with labels run by fascists (FREAK ANIMAL
in this case), Working with fascists (among other very related ideas, like the propagation of sexual child abuse), even more so when you do not share their ideals, helps them to push their agenda more and more into the accepted realm (middle) of our societies, be it an underground art/noise scene or like we can see almost everywhere else on a macro scale in all (capitalist) societies. If we would not be blinded by our privilege, we would be able to recognize patterns from the past of fascism on many different levels today. When TOTES FORMAT is an anarchist project and anti-fascism is a logical part of it. it is more than a hashtag or hollow description in your profile. We firmly believe that we should not look away from fascism and it's tendencies, but to actively fight back.

TOTES FORMAT is located in what is called finland, a region dominated by white privilege holders, in zones like this white supremacy goes way to often unchecked, because it just does not concern most people here, it seems. Of course almost everywhere in europe the experimental/noise scene is dominated by predominantly white cis-males mostly widely ignorant to the mutitude forms of oppression. But here i am referring to many finnish noise acts who work for example with aspa of FA. If you compare for example the line up of many recent noise-showsand the release list of aspa's FA label, you will find much overlap. and because this is always the first response critical voices get: i do not claim that any of these artist share the fascist agenda (as such) either personal or through their art/noise projects (some even claim the opposite, while collaborating with fascists), The critique here is that people (most likely unknowingly) play an important role in normalizing fascism. If i am friendly i would say it is based on white privilege and utter ignorance towards the reality and the history of fascism, if i am honest and based on the conversations i had, it is mostly because artist just don't care and are rather interested in their own art than anyting else (which has of course also many examples in the history of fascism). and hence apsa and co are actively getting more and more into the so called art spaces by means of the label's artist as proxies. 'THOSE WHO DO NOT LEARN FROM HISTORY ARE DOOMED TO REPEAT IT.' which for most people involved here, wouldn't really make a big difference of course.

We believe that people can change and grow and continue to learn, therefore we think that for example mistakes that artist/labels/projects/showorganizers have done in the past can be dealt with by accountability in form of determined, clear statements made in public, about what was the mistake and what has changed in the opinion or attitude for them. And this should go hand in hand with an ongoing positioning on the matter.

Stay angry! Stay loud!

(this text is written very fast and i might update or edit it later.)

#TotesFormat #antifascism #LoveMusicHateFascism #noise #finland #endwhitesupremacy

Last updated 2 years ago

A tune of DULL BOYS, the latest release of has been included in the transmission below.

Tune in.


Last updated 2 years ago