Just read the entirety of the Webcomic, "The Weekly Roll" after seeing a random strip online. Its good! 4 panel fantasy comedy heavily flavored with D&D and a sprinkling of memes. Well drawn too.
Well worth a look.
Alas, it's only on Webtoons.
#TheWeeklyRoll #TourmaReads #Webcomic #WebToon #Fantasy
#theweeklyroll #TourmaReads #webcomic #webtoon #fantasy
Started ANOTHER book. This one's for next month's book club.
#TourmaReads #books #theexpanse #leviathanwakes
A brief story completed.
Still trying to figure out how to boost things from #Bookwyrm. Anyway, here's my latest comment on the book I'm reading, "Fix the World."
Hey, #ebook #library question!
Has anyone found an app that can run library ebooks that works on Android amd PC and has synch that isn't Kindle? I would rather not use Amazon, but I despise Libby's web browser reading interface.
#ebook #library #TourmaReads #TourmaLibrarian #libraries #libby
This is a mood Twilight Sparkle.
#mylittlepony #twilightsparkle #books #TourmaReads
Anyway. Next month's book is The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab. I picked up a large print copy as I'm still reading something else on Libby.
And MAN. Holding a physical book was nice. I haven't really done that in a while.
Might have to try and read this like that.
#TourmaLibrarian #books #TourmaReads #libraries #veschwab #theinvisiblelifeofaddielarue
I attended a virtual book club tonight that I'm talking with the librarian running it about co-hosting. My thought is that one branch might not have enough genre fiction readers to justify a book club, but two might.
Me being the only person who showed up for The Hogfather by Terry Pratchett is a sign that might be needed.
#TourmaLibrarian #books #TourmaReads #libraries #veschwab #theinvisiblelifeofaddielarue
I mean, Arthur isn't wrong. That pretty much is me.
Apparently Locus Magazine is having an IndieGoGo campaign to keep their doors open. I don't read them ALL the time, but it's always an interesting mag when I do.
#locusmag #locusmagazine #locus #indiegogo #crowdfunding #scifi #sciencefiction #fantasy #horror #TourmaReads #TourmaLibrarian
Only in our dreams are we free. The rest of the time we need wages.
Pratchett, Terry. Wyrd Sisters: A Novel of Discworld (p. 264). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.
...Fuckkin oof.
#TourmaReads #books #terrypratchett #wyrdsisters #discworld #fantasy #hamlet #dream #wages
Ooooh, Ann Leckie has a new book coming out next year and it has a title!
Translation State
Its set in the the Imperial Radch universe, with a new slate of characters. I'm excited.
Honestly, I've liked books she's recommended better than her own, but I read them regardless. :D
#books #SciFi #ScienceFiction #ImperialRadch #AnnLeckie #AncillaryJustice
#TourmaReads #TourmaLibrarian #books #scifi #sciencefiction #imperialradch #annleckie #ancillaryjustice
I was just thinking about Dragonlance last night. Over the years I've read 54 of the novels, the vast majority as a teen. Well, I went looking and found out Margret Weis and Tracey Hickman put out a new one a few months ago! First in like, 20 years.
My #TBR grows...
#tbr #TourmaReads #books #dragonlance #dragons
I'm also reading a book I helped with #CrowdFunding DRAGON, by Saladin Ahmed and Dave Acosta
It was a #Kickstarter Exclusive, unless you pay at the above link for the PDF.
It is a Dracula story that looks east rather than west. It lifts from Vlad Tepes' real interactions with the Ottoman Empire.
I saved it for #Halloween and just the introduction is great.
Hopefully I can swing a book and graphic novel at the same time.
#crowdfunding #kickstarter #halloween #TourmaReads #books #graphicnovel #dracula
Moving on with #TourmaReads, I've already started my next book. #WyrdSisiters by Terry Pratchett. It took me 6% of the book to figure out it's a disc-shaped retelling of #Macbeth. I love Pratchett, and I don't THINK I've read this one before, so I'm excited.
I had read them pell mell, whatever was on the shelf at the library, but now I'm going in order, rereading when necessary. If I read 2-4 a year, that's still a couple decades of books
#TourmaReads #wyrdsisiters #macbeth #books #fantasy #bookclub
So I finished #AugustKitkoAndTheMechasFromSpace. Enjoyed it overall. Anyway, I could feel the reference, Evangeleon, Gurren Lagaan, DBZ...probably should watch Darling and the Franxx.
Interesting mix of heavy, (if casual,) queerness; identity, agency, and principle. The pull of tenacity against hopelessness. And the worthiness of humanity.
I do wish it had a soundtrack, with all the principal humans being musicians.
Worth a read.
#augustkitkoandthemechasfromspace #TourmaReads #books #scifi #bookreview #queer
I know what my next #TourmaReads will be. Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett. It's the next in line for my chronological read through of Disc world and its a witch book for October.
Also want to read through my physical copy of Dragon by Saladin Ahmed that I crowd funded.
#TourmaReads #books #graphicnovel #terrypratchett #october #halloween #spoop
He smirks. “I showed up in a Vanguard, and you’re excited about my joyfriend?”
White, Alex. August Kitko and the Mechas from Space (The Starmetal Symphony) (p. 190). Orbit.
Okay, I like this nonbinary alternative to boyfriend/girlfriend.
So, I read this article: https://jacobin.com/2022/09/mark-twain-gilded-age-new-deal-working-class-novel-pro-labor/
Which was interesting. Never gave Twain much thought tbh. Though I can say I've downloaded the book to give it a shot.
If anyone else is interested, a free eBook: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/86
#TourmaReads #jacobin #labor #projectgutenberg #ebook #books #marktwain
Also, I don't necessarily try and go for progressive books. That just seems to be where I end up a lot of the time.
That said, I do tend to avoid Baen as it seems pretty fashy, (Aside from Eric Flint.) And I don't go for military sci fi as I get enough of that in video games. But still.
And I have to say, I like it overall. Its nice to see it somewhere, even if its sci fi.