> The immediate reaction of human nature to the religious vision is #worship.. It is the one element in human experience which persistently shows an upward trend. It fades and then recurs.
#AlfredNorthWhitehead wrote or #religion in the book #ScienceAndTheModernWorld. The #ReligionAndScience chapter is in the collecion of essays #TowardLiberalEducation. The essay keeps coming to mind along with writings by #BertrandRussel (#Icarus and #Science as #PowerOver). They wrote #PrincipiaMathematica..
#PrincipiaMathematica #PowerOver #science #icarus #bertrandrussel #TowardLiberalEducation #ReligionAndScience #ScienceAndTheModernWorld #religion #AlfredNorthWhitehead #worship
> I neglect God and His angels for the noise of a fly, for the rattling of a coach, for the whining of a door. I talk on in the same posture of praying, eyes lifted up, knees bowed down, as though I prayed... a noise in mine ear, a light in mine eye, an anything, a nothing, a fancy, a chimera in my brain troubles me in my prayer." From The Art of Letters, too
- https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/8077
#JamesHarveyRobinson #RobertLynd #JohnDonne #distraction #prayer #TowardLiberalEducation #FreedomLearning
#FreedomLearning #TowardLiberalEducation #prayer #distraction #johndonne #RobertLynd #JamesHarveyRobinson