So, zurück aus der Altstadt von morgendlicher Bürokramrunde und einer vorherigen Einheit Entspannungs- und Atemübungen auf dem Zahnarztstuhl. Mut og mol sin.
Der Morgen strahlte draußen herum, auch auf dem Marktplatz mit der #Wasserkunst und dem "Alten Schweden", dem mittelalterlich-hansischem Kontordielenhaus.
#photo #morning #townscape #Wismar #historic #architecture #HanseaticLague #BalticSea
#wasserkunst #photo #morning #Townscape #wismar #historic #architecture #hanseaticlague #balticsea
Have a good Saturday!
#photo #townscape #medieval #brick #architecture #history #Wismar #UNESCO #worldheritage
#photo #Townscape #medieval #brick #architecture #history #wismar #unesco #WorldHeritage
Out and about on business in some places this morning, including in the #historic #town #centre of #Wismar when it was still raining a bit.
#photo #townscape #architecture #history #medieval #churches #BalticSea
#historic #town #centre #wismar #photo #Townscape #architecture #history #medieval #churches #balticsea
#photo #townscape #port #cranes #tugboat #Wismar #BalticSea
Was down at the harbour today in one of the restaurants at the "Old Harbour" basin but went back along one of the basins of the commercial harbour. Sunday, so there was no freightship in there to just spend fees for lying at quay.
#photo #Townscape #port #cranes #tugboat #wismar #balticsea