Oops, 8 #Micromasters arrived in the post today 😳😅
#micromasters #transformers #Toycollecting
Finally got all the new Dr Wu Seekers up on the microscale shelf #Transformers #Toys #ToyCollecting
#transformers #toys #Toycollecting
Popped into Walgreens to check for that #Transformers Legacy Minerva and found this guy instead, and in true Longshot fashion, he rang up at an unexpected 75% off! #XMen #Funko #Marvel #ToyCollecting #Comics #Longshot
#transformers #XMen #funko #Marvel #Toycollecting #comics #longshot
Honestly my favorite thing about G.I. Joe starting with RAH is how nobody working on it had any interest at all in doing the assignment as written.
#GIJoe #ToyCollecting #RetroCartoons #RetroComics
#gijoe #Toycollecting #RetroCartoons #RetroComics
Working on a new setup for the space base shelf now that Omega Guardian has arrived #Transformers #Toys #ToyCollecting
#transformers #toys #Toycollecting
Another little thing I've been working on recently: a grappling hook cable for Origin Jazz. I've always loved toys with grappling hooks and I thought it was a bummer that Jazz has one but with no string or cable for it - so I made my own!
Thinking about threading a wire through the center of it so it'll hold a pose better, but overall I'm pretty pleased with it.
#transformers #toys #Toycollecting #toycustomizer
Quick lil #Transformers custom: Gatoraider! As soon as I saw #RiseOfTheBeasts Battlemaster Skullcruncher I knew what I had to do.
#transformers #riseofthebeasts #toycustomizer #Toycollecting #toys
In honor of Classified Shipwreck finally going up for preorder, I would like to remind everyone of the GI Joe episode that has haunted me since childhood:
#GIJoe #ToyCollecting
Pouring one out for all my friends who got hit by BBTS preorder charges today, you will be missed. #Transformers #ToyCollecting
Hit Ship on my Pile of Loot from BigBadToyStore today, I just had a Zarana waiting for Tarn to show up but that's gonna be a fun box of evil when it arrives! #Transformers #GIJoe #ToyCollecting
#transformers #gijoe #Toycollecting
Anybody in the #Transformers #ToyCollecting community have ideas for this? I know I've heard some mentioned but I don't remember which ones... @sabine_potato
She's here 👀
Neuer Kurzfilm: https://youtube.com/shorts/2hF40uTGvyM
Steiff Plüschtiere sammeln
Der Kurzfilm zeigt Steiff-Plüschtiere # die gerne von Spielzeugsammlern gesammelt werden!
Mehr zum Thema Spielzeug sammeln: http://sammler.com/spielzeug/
#Spielzeug #Spielzeugsammeln #Plüschtiere #Steifftiere #Steifftieresammeln #Plüschtieresammeln #SteiffPlüschtiere #sammeln #Sammler #toys #toycollecting #stuffedanimals #steiffanimals #collectingsteiffanimals #stuffedanimalscollecting #steiffplushanimals #collecting #collector
#collector #collecting #steiffplushanimals #stuffedanimalscollecting #collectingsteiffanimals #steiffanimals #StuffedAnimals #Toycollecting #toys #sammler #sammeln #steiffpluschtiere #pluschtieresammeln #steifftieresammeln #steifftiere #pluschtiere #spielzeugsammeln #spielzeug
A local friend (and fellow cat foster) gave me a Squishmallow and I am of an age where snipping the tag off still feels a little taboo. #Squishmallows #ToyCollecting
@mauve As a longtime part of the Transformers fandom, there are absolutely days when I feel like the internet is Hasbro's fault. #ToyCollecting #Transformers
That Cybertronian-mode Bumblebee and the new Jazz are super cool but also distress me on a visceral level because I've always seen their Earth-looking robot modes at the beginning of "More Than Meets The Eye" as a sort of placeholder you're supposed to suspend your disbelief over, you KNOW they don't really look like that but it's a shorthand so they don't confuse kids with different-looking robots BUT THEN THEY GO AND INTERPRET IT LITERALLY AND IT IS NOT OKAY #Transformers #ToyCollecting