I wanted to post about books! I love optimistic #scifi, and some #fantasy, #historicalFiction, and #detectiveFiction. Favourite authors that occur to me include: #IainMBanks, #BeckyChambers, #LordDunsany, #TedChiang, #AdrianTchaikovsky, #RobertHarris, #HGWells, #GKChesterton, #AgathaChristie, #DorothyLSayers, #MargaretWeiss and #TracyHickman, and of course #Tolkien, who I still maintain is under-appreciated. I’m keen to discover new favourites - especially if they can diversify the list a bit.
#scifi #fantasy #historicalfiction #DetectiveFiction #iainmbanks #BeckyChambers #LordDunsany #TedChiang #AdrianTchaikovsky #RobertHarris #hgwells #GKChesterton #agathachristie #DorothyLSayers #MargaretWeiss #TracyHickman #tolkien
Neue DRAGONLANCE-Romane von Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman
Neulich hatte ich noch berichtet, dass sich Margaret Weis und Tracy Hickman mit den DUNGEONS & DRAGONS-Rechteinhabern Wizards Of The Coast um eine weitere Romanreihe aus dem DRAGONLANCE-Universum gezankt hatten ...
#Spiel #ADandD #DandD #Dragonlance #DragonlanceClassic #DungeonsAndDragons #MargaretWeis #Romane #TracyHickman #Trilogie
#Trilogie #TracyHickman #Romane #MargaretWeis #dungeonsAndDragons #DragonlanceClassic #dragonlance #dandd #ADandD #Spiel