The IBM–Maersk #blockchain effort was doomed to fail from the start - Observers can learn a few things from the failed effort by #IBM and Moller-Maersk to develop #TradeLens, a blockchain-enabled global trading platform
The blockchain is the most overhyped IT technology ever: "A.P. Moller - Maersk and IBM to discontinue TradeLens, a blockchain-enabled global trade platform" #blockchain #TradeLens
Blockchain für Schiffslogistik von IBM und Maersk sperrt zu
Stell Dir vor da ist eine Blockchain, aber keiner braucht sie. Die Blockchain-Plattform Tradelens sollte Reederei effizienter machen. Jetzt ist Schluss.
#Blockchain #IBM #Logistik #Maersk #Reederei #Schifffahrt #Tradelens #News
#blockchain #ibm #logistik #maersk #reederei #schifffahrt #TradeLens #news
Aus für #TradeLens-Plattform: IBM und Maersk stellen Blockchain-Projekt ein -
Trade Lense - 2018 vorgestellt - galt als idealer Use Case für #Blockchain-Technologie. Ein Digital Ledger für die Container-Schifffahrt sollte globale Lieferketten digital nachvollziehbar machen und langwierige bürokratische Prozesse beseitigen.
Aus für #TradeLens-Plattform: IBM und Maersk stellen Blockchain-Projekt ein -
Trade Lense - 2018 vorgestellt - galt als idealer Use Case für #Blockchain-Technologie. Ein Digital Ledger für die Container-Schifffahrt sollte globale Lieferketten digital nachvollziehbar machen und langwierige bürokratische Prozesse beseitigen.
RT, IBM to discontinue TradeLens #Maersk #shipping #ShippingNews #IBM #tradelens #Blockchain #news #NewsAlert
#maersk #shipping #shippingnews #ibm #TradeLens #blockchain #news #NewsAlert
Contour Partners With TradeLens To Digitally Transform Trade Finance Workflows
As per the latest news, Contour, a global digital trade finance network has reported its partnership with TradeLens, a blockchain-based supply chain platform focused on delivering a secure, safe & transparent transfer of electronic Bills of Lading (eBL).
#globaldigitaltradefinance #tradefinanceservices #SMEs #globalsupplychains #TradeLens #Contour #internationaltrade
#internationaltrade #Contour #TradeLens #globalsupplychains #SMEs #tradefinanceservices #globaldigitaltradefinance
Paperless Shipping Process Between Syngenta and HSBC With TradeLens
The world of trade finances saw a new record today as the first entirely paperless transaction occurred between Syngenta and HSBC. The transaction refers to a digital bill of lending processed by A.P.Moller-Maersk and IBM’s company, TradeLens. They used blockchain technology to complete a letter of credit between the two companies mentioned above.
#TradeLens #hsbc #paperlesstransaction
TradeLens Finally Completes Its First End-To-End Paperless Trade Finance Transaction
IBM and AP Moller-Maersk, the digital platform the TradeLens, has recently completed its first end-to-end paperless trade finance transaction. The contract involved the agreed shipment of agrichemicals from South Korea to Bangladesh by Syngenta, subsidized with a letter of credit from HSBC.
#globaltrade #hsbc #TradeLens #bankcollectiondocuments
Drip Capital To Provide Blockchain-Enabled Financing Solutions With TradeLens
As per the latest news, an association with TradeLens, a blockchain-enabled digital platform has been declared by Drip Capital with an agenda to provide a simpler credit facility for small & medium-sized businesses (SMBs) globally.
#Globaltrade #electronicBillofLading #DripCapital #GTDSolutions #TradeLens #globalsupplychain
#globalsupplychain #TradeLens #GTDSolutions #DripCapital #electronicBillofLading #globaltrade