#traderjoes 话说这个maple oat milk还不错诶!本来做好准备它会很甜,结果还好,味道和maple口味的oatmeal一样,感觉加到咖啡或是煮麦片味道应该都不错,直接喝也可
早饭是 #TraderJoes 的牛肉 #玉米粽
男房东告诉我,美帝第 38 任总统 Gerald Ford 1976 年争取连任的时候,在德州收到一个玉米粽,不知道怎么吃,不剥玉米叶就一口咬了下去。最后丢了德州选票,也没能连任
#李女安的奇幻生活 230904
#TraderJoes 这个生 #姜 灌汤 #小笼包 发过还想发,真的好吃又方便。芒果好酸,但也好过太甜
#TraderJoes #姜 #小笼包 #李女安的离奇料理 #长毛象厨房
和 #MarthaStewart 约的五点接她,打车到她家门口刚好五点。可能这就是天选项目经理(没有关联也并不需要!
吃完饭本来说先去 A 超市再去 Trader Joe's,先走到了 Trader Joe's,她想起离 A 还有一段距离,就说去旁边的 B 超市。进去她就说一直想买一样甜品,但常去的超市都没有,结果不一会就看见了
之前在 #TraderJoes 买了 #芝士蛋糕,觉得不好吃又舍不得扔,就给了她拿去做其他甜品。刚在超市看见,她说那玩意实在不行,她直接扔了。发出来给大家 #避雷
她买了 #无花果,给了我一个尝尝,吃不出酸味但腮帮会有点酸,回味很香
#marthastewart #TraderJoes #李女安的奇幻生活 #李女安的离奇料理 #长毛象食堂 #芝士蛋糕 #避雷 #无花果
@LilPecan okay, so not a #Boston problem per se. But look at this, what's with all the #traderJoes north of the Mass Pike and precious few south of it?
Intrigued by the possibility of moving to #roslindale, if I can find something (I have a little time before I need to move).
Drove around it a little today, really liked the vibe (yes I know I should have gotten out and walked, but I didn't have a whole lot of time today. Will get to that.)
But there's like NO #traderJoes convenient, it seems. 😢 Is that a #Boston thing?
#Roslindale #TraderJoes #boston #rozzie #apartments #apartmenthunting #lifechanges
You know who never has #bikeracks ? Supermarkets!!! #TraderJoes in #westfield NJ does, but no other supermarket I go to does.
#bikeracks #TraderJoes #westfield
I'm pleasantly surprised by the #hotsauce I picked up the other day... Actually has #jalapenos in it, a basic requirement for me
#hotsauce #jalapenos #salsa #mexicanfood #spicy #TraderJoes
I’m all ready to hunker down with some lovely colors, Gorgonzola gnocchi, and fresh asparagus. Also a bottle of mezcal if things get real wicked outside. Be safe my friends!
This is a consumer alert that the unexpected broccoli cheddar soup contains insects, presumably unexpectedly. In other words, this is a consumer alert that tells you that something that is labeled as unexpected is performing exactly as expected...and gives another meaning to Trader Joe's finds.
Damn, our local #TraderJoes told us today that they're discontinuing JoeJoes?! #wtf
Unsolicited thoughts from a Trader Joe’s cashier. #tjs #traderjoes #ebikes
我放了好多长豆,我爱蔬菜 :blobcatnomrevenge:
#TraderJoes 原味🍕pizza面团是咸的!咸的!咸的!不是没有garlic写着plain就是原味的!!!(都不敢想象当时我咬下自己的cheese糖心馅烤饼的心情
家人们,#traderjoes 的荔枝好实惠,3.99刀一盒10oz,不到20个,但是几乎每个都核小肉多,酸甜可口,虽然costco那款单价更便宜(6.99刀一盒有1.5磅),但是那款的核大多了,整体算下来感觉tj的性价比很好 :ablobcall:
#Food recipe. Buy #TraderJoes Mango and Jicama ready prepped salad. Put 4 corn on the cob on the grill. Mix a dressing to taste (about 1/4 C total) olive oil, red wine vinegar, salt, pepper, sugar, honey, a lime squeezed. Take the ready made dressing from TJs mix together. Finely chop a half red onion, a red pepper (you can also add cucumber etc), mix in mango jicama salad from TJ then cut corn off kernels into salad. Mix and add to taste. #Delish #Summeronaplate
#food #TraderJoes #delish #summeronaplate
#TraderJoes #TJ红黑榜
if i open that bag
of chocolate almonds I
know I'll eat them all.
#haiku #traderjoes