Another Tory/Brexit benefit. Polly Toynbee’s article on the state of Trading Standards enforcement in the UK is a horror to read. Why do we keep letting this government strip away all the protections of our society?
#Brexit #TradingStandards
Another Tory/Brexit benefit. Polly Toynbee’s article on the state of Trading Standards enforcement in the UK is a horror to read. Why do we keep letting this government strip away all the protections of our society?
#Brexit #TradingStandards
Brexit rush to axe EU laws ‘puts safety standards at risk’ | The Independent
Trading standards officers fear ‘recklessly irresponsible’ legislation poses danger to public
#brexit #eu #EULaws #eulawrevocationbill #SafetyStandards #TradingStandards #RecklesslyIrresponsible
📬Anti-5G-Stick: Statt versprochenem Strahlenschutz Abzocke inklusive📬 #BioShieldDistribution #Mobilfunkstandard5G #TradingStandards #PenTestPartners #Anti-5G-Stick #StephenKnight #5GBioShield #KenMunro #TobyHall #Artikel
#artikel #TradingStandards #BioShieldDistribution #Mobilfunkstandard5G #anti #StephenKnight #TobyHall #5GBioShield #KenMunro