Pascale Aebischer · @Pascale
227 followers · 62 posts · Server

Introduction: I'm an scholar, specialisms in present-day , including and . Am also still involved in @PandemicBeyond research project promoting and research funded by AHRC in the UK.

Currently thinking about the evolution of since the start of the , and wondering where this is heading next.

This week: marking theatre history essays and reading with my students.

Private me has taken up racing and is also still happily paddling down the Exe on my paddleboard. Keen walker, cyclist, skier. Swiss at heart, but sporting British passport since (which I've got thoughts about, all negative).

#brexit #DragonBoat #TragedyofMariam #pandemic #digitaltheatre #COVID #humanities #arts #hybrid #digital #performance #theatre #earlymodern

Last updated 2 years ago