Thugs on horseback riding with a pack of hungry hounds aka #WestNorfolkHunt commit wildlife crimes…again. #TrailHuntLies #BanTheHunt #NormalForNorfolk
#westnorfolkhunt #TrailHuntLies #banthehunt #NormalForNorfolk
I’m a city girl born and bred. The brief glimpses I had of the countryside I was enchanted.
Now I go to the countryside a lot. But I don’t see green or peace anymore. I see fields of red.
#KeepTheBan #TrailHuntLies #endanimalagriculture
On one of the worst day of the year for foxes, hunts will be out drunk in charge of horses & rifles looking for blood.
We’re already out. Sober. Alert. On our 🅰️ game. And prepared to put ourselves between them and their prey🥷
#BoxingDay #KeepTheBan #banhunts #TrailHuntLies
We are going to be protesting against the Avon Vale Hunt at #Lacock on Boxing Day at 10am. Send a message to these bloodthirsty criminals to leave our wildlife alone. Please join us if you can. #wiltshire #enforcetheban #trailhuntlies
#Lacock #Wiltshire #enforcetheban #TrailHuntLies
We got word yesterday that the #CotswoldHunt stopped traffic and were abusive to road users who questioned what they were doing. Local business owners complained of #HuntTrespass, with #Hounds running through their properties and on to the busy main road.
#CotswoldHunt #HuntTrespass #hounds #TrailHuntLies