I feel...numb? I've yet to actually process any feelings of sadness about , so far I've just felt anger but even that ember is starting to burn colder in my chest.

The fact that one of our trans brothers was murdered, along with four other queer folks, minutes before the first dark hours of the .

Seeing the same fucking politicians and personalities that spread anti-trans disinformation and make their living off stirring up hate tweet that the victims are "in their thoughts and prayers".

Fuck that.

The state won't protect us. It never has.

The cops didn't stop that shooting, and they never would've. They'll wait until the shooter is out of ammo and surrendering, as they have with so many other shootings in the recent past.

This country is so far past the point of sanity that knowing how to use an IFAK has become imperative, knowing how to safely operate a firearm necessary.

Train. Build your knowledge. It's becoming more important by the day. Connect with others in your community, build stronger networks, share knowledge freely and with compassion.

We protect us, because nobody else will.

#clubq #TransDayOfRemembrence

Last updated 2 years ago

Vera Beiderbeck · @nachtsonnen
269 followers · 729 posts · Server gruene.social

@Io_Kassandra traurig und besorgt, über das, was so in der Welt passiert - für mich selbst gerade sehr viel selfcare und Versuch der Abgrenzung. Der geht immer sehr nah … und dann noch die Nachricht von gestern 😞

Wie dünn doch die Zivilisationsschicht ist, wie schnell die aufbricht.


Last updated 2 years ago

Aranel · @aranel
69 followers · 130 posts · Server eightpoint.app

Today for , stop using Twitter.

Don't post anything. Don't like anything. Don't engage. Uninstall it from your phone and leave it behind.

Twitter is where the world's most hateful people spread their hate and make the world less safe for people like us.

And it puts all of that right in front of you, because all it cares about is engagement. You don't need that hate in your life, and we'll all be better off when it's gone.


Last updated 2 years ago

Aranel · @aranel
69 followers · 130 posts · Server eightpoint.app

Today for , stop using Twitter.

Don't post anything. Don't like anything. Don't engage. Uninstall it from your phone and leave it behind. You don't need that hate in your life.

Twitter is where the world's most hateful people spread their hate and make the world less safe for people like us. We'll all be better off when it's gone.


Last updated 2 years ago

Graham Gold :donor: · @cirriustech
1371 followers · 3209 posts · Server infosec.exchange

Since it’s

As a cis/het/white/male, I want to apologise for any times in the past that I caused harm, intentional or otherwise.

I’m a better human than I was one or two or five years ago, but I’m still learning and improving.

Working as a moderator here has also given me even greater exposure to even a fraction of the abuse you receive daily (and I don’t mean I’m receiving abuse, I mean that I have a little more visibility of the abuse you receive).

:transgender_flag: :heart_trans:

#tdor #TransDayOfRemembrence #transrightsarehumanrights

Last updated 2 years ago

T. Thorn Coyle · @thorncoyle
458 followers · 172 posts · Server wandering.shop

Trans Day of Remembrance altar, Portland, Oregon.
The grief feels especially heavy today.

Please, celebrate your friends and siblings who are alive.

#TDoR22 #lgbtqia #TransDayOfRemembrence

Last updated 2 years ago

Daniel Thompson · @DHThompson38
59 followers · 151 posts · Server mastodon.online

My church's sermon today was powerful. As it is Trans Day of Remembrance, our pastor turned over the pulpit to a Trans member of our congregation. They talked about the experience of growing up queer in the church and listed all of the Trans Americans who were murdered this year.


Last updated 2 years ago

Be Baxter-Heyes (she/her) · @BeBH
8 followers · 5 posts · Server mastodon.lol

We remember them Feeling love and pride tonight as my hospital shines purple lights on our buildings, marking a sign of respect for all those who lost their lives to transphobia. Leeds Teaching Hospitals

#TDoR22 #TransDayOfRemembrence

Last updated 2 years ago

Aitch · @CHCArtworks
62 followers · 49 posts · Server mastodon.lol

It was today. Attended the vigil in Soho Square, which was beautiful and sad, comforting and heartbreaking.

Trying to keep a candle alight in the cold wind and occasional rain felt like far, far too apt an analogy.

But whenever your candle-flame blew out, someone was there for you, someone was nearby to help relight it.



Last updated 2 years ago

Danielle Foré · @danirabbit
2027 followers · 399 posts · Server mastodon.online

I want to write something about but I’m struggling to say anything meaningful. In the US there’s an active movement to erase queer people from society starting with trans people by denying equal rights, criminalizing access to medical care, codifying a right to discriminate, taking trans children from their parents, it’s horrifying and sickening and it’s happening now. People are dying. I don’t know what else to say.


Last updated 2 years ago

jed · @jedsetter
68 followers · 64 posts · Server aus.social

Absolutely devastating news from last night.

Today the club had a drag brunch scheduled followed by an 8pm show celebrating . Hard to imagine the timing is coincidental and a reminder of how far our community has to go.

I'm amazed that it is being reported that patrons managed to stop the attacker and that he was arrested within 6 minutes of the cops being called. I guess people in know how to respond to a mass shooting.

I grew up in a town in Australia about the same size of Colorado Springs. It's impossible to imagine mass shootings being so normalised there have been 4 in the town in 7 years. It's so sad that people have to live in legitimate fear of an attack as they go about their days.

#coloradosprings #TransDayOfRemembrence #colorado

Last updated 2 years ago

Jennifer Ekstrand · @jdekstrand
94 followers · 44 posts · Server toot.bike

I as mentally thinking of what to say about (and and Jo Acker) when I saw the news of the shooting in Colorado. 😭

#TransDayOfRemembrence #boise

Last updated 2 years ago

Eve · @eveiswurzig
65 followers · 133 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Finished up the piece and it clocks in at 4 and a half minutes, it feels complete so I won’t spend more time on it and will just run it by the organizer for feedback during sound check in one hour. This will be my first performance and while I’m playing it safe with a spoken word piece I definitely feel a tad vulnerable as it’s a very honest intimate piece.

#TransDayOfRemembrence #tdor

Last updated 2 years ago

xryxix · @mercurythedragon
91 followers · 847 posts · Server eldritch.cafe

It's today

Thinking about a lot of people that aren't here anymore. I miss them so much. People shouldn't and don't have to go through this pain. I hope for things to be nicer and easier. We can make this world a kinder place.

Be safe and all. Much love 💜💜💜🍀🍀🍀


Last updated 2 years ago

Drew · @truedrew
104 followers · 225 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Tragic that the shooting in happened on

#coloradosprings #TransDayOfRemembrence

Last updated 2 years ago

🌈 Ailyn :trans_heart: · @Ailyn
81 followers · 242 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Be the person who can look back and say, "I was everything I wanted to be. I'm proud of myself."


Last updated 2 years ago

Christyn Avery · @WV_Trans_Chick
2 followers · 4 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Waking up this morning on 6 years after to hear about is too much.

#TransDayOfRemembrence #PulseNightclub #clubq

Last updated 2 years ago

Anna Dearman · @anna_dearman
20 followers · 11 posts · Server mastodon.lol

:progresspride_flag: Joe Lycett's statement is so incredibly powerful and moving. Bravo. :trans_heart:

#benderslikebeckham #TransDayOfRemembrence

Last updated 2 years ago

Hannah · @scatty_hannah
182 followers · 1000 posts · Server queer.party

Trans Day of Remembrance und ich habe einfach keine fucking Kraft. Unter jedem Tweet dazu einfach wieder nur Hetze. Nicht mal an unserem Trauertag ist Ruhe.

#tdor #TDoR22 #TransDayOfRemembrence #tw

Last updated 2 years ago

Freyja Midgard · @freyjamidgard
18 followers · 37 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Will be heading out later to my local pride hub for . Remember those who didn't make their journey to become their true selves because of others being intolerant.


Last updated 2 years ago