This is not only an egregious attack on Trans rights but shows that Tories will do anything to block any legislation which doesn't confirm to their hateful ideology. #TransLiberationNow
@ErinInTheMorn Adding #TransLiberation and #TransLiberationNow as well as #TransJustice and #TransJoy
#transliberation #TransLiberationNow #TransJustice #transjoy
:black_sparkling_heart: #Introduction #Intro
TL:DR: I'm mostly posting this intro to connect with other Black and BIPOC Anarchists or Anti-authoritarians. Hit me up! :Fire_Panafrican:
Hey, everyone
My partner and I are currently working on a docuseries, @Elememts_of_MA, about the origins, structures, healing ways, and logistics of mutual aid-based organizing. The project isn't exclusively profiling anarchist groups, but it is deeply anti-authoritarian - we're especially staying away from charismatic leaders and celeb "activist" types.
The whole thing is independent - no producers; everything is out of pocket. We've been living out of a van we converted so we could make this happen; which has been amazing. We've been on the road since May Day this year, and have already filmed some solid interviews as far north as Montreal and as far south as Puerto Rico.
However, I'm personally struggling to find Black organizations or collectives that aren't MLM, AADOS, authoritarian, Black Capitalist, nonprofit style groups. Reading and theory groups or media collectives are rad, but I'm really looking for groups that're doing interesting work on the ground (*not food distro*) from an anti-state-nationalist analysis.
Lorenzo and JoNina Irvin will appear in the film, among other radical Black people like Jessica Gordon Nembhard, The Northeast Action Collective in Houston, and Arm the Girls in Oakland. So, I'm not at a complete loss.
But, please send me all the rad groups of Black people you know that are creating long-term, democratic, mutual aid projects in their communities. They do not need to identify as anarchist, but they *cannot* be down with the nation state and have to be doing more than food distro.
Thanks a ton, y'all.
Beyond all that, I'm also really interested in connecting with people to write Star Wars analysis and fan-fiction. I think the galaxy far, far away is an interesting canvas to explore the tensions of autonomous world building vs authoritarian revolutionary movements. If I lived in that universe, I'd no doubt be getting into arguments with the Rebel Alliance.
Thanks for reading this long-winded post.
#Black #BlackMastodon #BlackAnarchism #Anarchism #Anarchy #Antifa #Antifascism #Antiracism #Feminism #DisabilityJustice #BlackLiberation #IndigenousAnarchism #indigenousFedi #BlackFedi #blackfediverse #decolonize #decolonization #TransLiberationNow #transliberation #LGBTQ #queerliberation #QueerLiberationNow #StarWars #Andor #SciFi #Literature #creativewriting #creativewritingsocial #documentary #documentaryfeaturefilm #documentaryfilm #film #antiauthoritarianism #antiauthoritarian #vanlife #anarkata #anticapitalism #antinationalism #AnarchismOfBlackness #AnarchistPeopleOfColor #APOC #democraticconfederalism #MutualAid #collectivism #Zapatismo #Farming #UrbanFarming #Gardening #FoodSovereignty #LandBack #internationalism #JinJiyanAzadi
#Introduction #intro #solidarity #black #BlackMastodon #blackanarchism #anarchism #anarchy #antifa #antifascism #antiracism #feminism #DisabilityJustice #BlackLiberation #IndigenousAnarchism #indigenousFedi #BlackFedi #blackfediverse #decolonize #decolonization #TransLiberationNow #transliberation #lgbtq #queerliberation #QueerLiberationNow #starwars #andor #scifi #Literature #creativewriting #creativewritingsocial #documentary #documentaryfeaturefilm #documentaryfilm #film #antiauthoritarianism #antiauthoritarian #vanlife #Anarkata #anticapitalism #antinationalism #anarchismofblackness #anarchistpeopleofcolor #apoc #democraticconfederalism #MutualAid #collectivism #zapatismo #farming #UrbanFarming #gardening #foodsovereignty #landback #Internationalism #jinjiyanazadi
If you're queer or a queer ally, and I'm not following you, I'm missing out! I need more Aura! 💜
#TransLiberationNow #LGBTQmastodon #LoveIsLove #QueerMastodon #bisexualpride #transwomen + wtf is with my suggested tags for #transwomenarewomen .. Some of those hashtags are lies. #FeminismIsForEverybody bruh, even some of the suggested feminism tags are abhorrent. 🤪
#FeminismIsForEverybody #transwomenarewomen #transwomen #bisexualpride #QueerMastodon #LoveIsLove #lgbtqmastodon #TransLiberationNow
Please check top of thread.
#StopHate #LoveIsLove #christianity #TransLiberationNow #LGBTQPeopleUnderAtttack #LGBTQinHealthcare #everyonehaspronouns #religiousfreedom NOT #religiousoppression #gaymarriage
#gaymarriage #religiousoppression #religiousfreedom #everyonehaspronouns #lgbtqinhealthcare #lgbtqpeopleunderatttack #TransLiberationNow #christianity #LoveIsLove #StopHate
Omg - can it be true? Have I really been marked green by Shinigami Eyes?? A badge more valuable to me than any verification mark... 💗
#transrights #TransLiberationNow #solidarityforever
Honestly y'all - trans women in particular are so important and vital to provide an intersectional lens to break down essentialist, sexist views on women. I hope y'all realize this. Women didn't have rights before they spoke up as women. Not their anatomy. If that's all we were, we'd be back to exchanging women as property, women not being able to own property or vote, sexual violence being a-ok, and slavery. Let's do better.
#FeminismIsForEverybody #transwomenarewomen #TransLiberationNow
#TransLiberationNow #transwomenarewomen #FeminismIsForEverybody
#lgbtqmastodon #incels #TransLiberationNow #transwomenarewomen #FeminismIsForEverybody
While arguing with him, we then found out about his anti-LGBT takes. I then found out he'd converted to a version of radical Islam.
I sicked my Islam apostate on him to break down radical Islam and how it is a scam in how it kills apostates and more.
After he tore him up, he messaged me with incel, nice guy™ vibes.
Scratch a misogynist find a transphobe.
& Vice versa.
#FeminismIsForEverybody #transwomenarewomen #TransLiberationNow #incels #LGBTQmastodon
#lgbtqmastodon #incels #TransLiberationNow #transwomenarewomen #FeminismIsForEverybody
A small thread - Part 2 in reply:
Women take the black pill(?)
"A lot of red pill guys have converted to Islam with Tate."
A recent disruptor in my feminism alliance discord followed this trend and came in first with piss poor essentialist and sexist views on women. He also thought feminism did not address men's issues. Before seeing this video I picked up Tate vibes from him.
#FeminismIsForEverybody #transwomenarewomen #TransLiberationNow #incels #LGBTQmastodon
#lgbtqmastodon #incels #TransLiberationNow #transwomenarewomen #FeminismIsForEverybody
@PoggleRebecca Ah, see I would have taken your first post to mean that you don't believe that there's any legitimate reason for gender clinics to exist, based on the comparison you've made.
Further, I would have linked this with calls for #TransLiberationNow, the depathologising of trans care, & a more localised approach to support/care, rather than centralised in clinics.
Hmmmm... This is an easy choice.
The road to fascism and genocide is lined with liberals telling you not to overreact.
Don't be a liberal.
A new bill just hit the national stage.
It is 30 pages long and seeks to not allow cis or trans women any bodily autonomy.
Liberal: Welp we should really hear them out on this. Law and Order! We should hear out both sides!
True Left: Are you fucking stupid? Fucking liberals.
#antifascism #gofuckyourself #TransLiberationNow
This is unacceptable. I have a blowtorch for these bills.
"Adult Transgender Bans Are Here: OK Bill Would Ban Medical Transition Under 21 Years Old
We knew this was coming. Multiple organizations have called for adult transition bans. This year, we will be seeing attempts to do just that."
#gofuckyourself #antifasicm #TransLiberationNow
I've accumulated a list of bioethical arguments to solidify trans rights for you here:
#TransLiberationNow :blobcatheart_trans:
@ErinInTheMorn Composed herself well here on The Hill. Please give her a follow if you haven't! :blobcat_heart_trans:
The world is a dark old place right now, but it's been so wonderful seeing trans councillors elected for the Scottish Greens in Glasgow and Labour in Plymouth and London. Extremely heartening.
The Tories, Alba, the Scottish Family Party, ISP all getting trounced is a pretty nice little cherry on the top too!
#ukpol #FuckTheFash #TransLiberationNow