Ive not seen anyone here mention that sarah jane baker was arrested for incitement to violence for saying if you see a terf punch them in the fucking face at #TransPrideLondon during the open mic section of speeches
apparently someone filmed it (classic) and now shes being sent back to (most likely men's) prison without trial. See tpl's insta for more details.
there was a protest at her hearing the other day and there will prob be more, keep an eye out and pls boost to get the word out.
ofc tpl gave some chickenshit lib response about how they dont condone violence but dont want her jailed, sigh
tagging the newsie ppl I know are on here for reach
@MediaActivist @Freedom_Press
RT @Donna_Beeeee
This was huge! I’ve not seen so many people marching like this since the 80s.
It’s hard to give an impression of the atmosphere, and the number of people in a photo taken on my phone.
#transpride #transpride2022 #transpridelondon
#TransPrideLondon #transpride2022 #transpride
Chanting “It’s our history, don’t deny it - Stonewall was a fucking riot”
“Boy pussy is beautiful”
“Bodily autonomy for all”
“NB hotness”
“We are here”
Regular reminder that the SWP doesn’t actually give a shit about trans rights or queer liberation
RT @RebelDykes
#LwiththeT #RebelDykes supporting our Trans family at #TransPrideLondon today 💜 💖 💙 ❤ fantastic community spirited day!
#LwiththeT #RebelDykes #TransPrideLondon