Last (official) hours of the #Transcontinental race and still some riders with a realistic chance to finish the last parcour until the final checkpoint will be closed at midnight, including @mkpaa (#tcrno9cap44), who shared his journey on this platform.
#Transcontinental #tcrno9cap44 #tcrno9
Last week we saw a lot of pictures of the beautiful landscape in #slovenia and #croatia while the #Transcontinental race passed this countys. Now the horriffic pictues of the floodings. My thoughts are with the people who live there and now have to struggle with the water, but I'm also relieved, that the riders of #TCRNo9 already left this region.
#slovenia #croatia #Transcontinental #tcrno9
Abschlussbericht: #Strasser Double beim #Transcontinental Race 2023: Täglich 450 km von Belgien nach Griechenland
#tcrno9 #rennrad #radsport #gemperle #tcrno9cap3 #gravel #gravelrace #radrennen
#radrennen #gravelrace #gravel #tcrno9cap3 #gemperle #radsport #rennrad #tcrno9 #Transcontinental #strasser
Informationen of the race directors of the #Transcontinental race:
In the early hours of this morning, #TCRNo9 rider Maria Holdcroft (#tcrno9cap41) crashed "in a deep rut on a road" on the coast near Platamonas, Greece. She is currently in hospital, treated and comfortable. Potentially being discharged today, and not having scratched yet, Maria plans to make it to the Finish Line when she is ready.
I wish a good and fast recovery and cross fingers, that she can finish the race!
#Transcontinental #tcrno9 #tcrno9cap41
You're not the only one with some remaining ??? in the head.. 😉
#tcrno9cap232 #tcrno9 #Transcontinental #dotwatching
Anatole Naimi (#tcrno9cap232) finished the #TCRNo9 this morning, but was taken out of the General Classification, because he rode extended periods of time not alone.
I do not really understand this decision and the meaning of "not riding alone".
Did he rode in a group of not registered riders or with other participants of the race?
#tcrno9cap232 #tcrno9 #Transcontinental #dotwatching
Congratulations to Christoph Strasser, who rode 3943.84 km (and a lot of altitude) across Europe within 8 days, 16 hours and 30 minutes!
#Transcontinental #tcrno9 #tcrno9cap1
Strasser is only minutes away from winning this year's #Transcontinental race! What an incredible ride he's had! 7 days 5 hrs moving time, with only 1 day 10 hrs not on the bike, riding!
#TCR09 #Cycling #BikeTooter
#Transcontinental #tcr09 #cycling #biketooter
I really underestimated the length of the last parcour. I thought Christoph (#tcrno9cap1) will finish it in the morning hours. Now it seem, that he will need some more hours. Perhaps it is now also a question of declining fitness.
#tcrno9cap1 #Transcontinental #tcrno9
I think some hours after midnight, we will have a winner of this years #Transcontinental race, if nothing unexpected happen.
#Transcontinental #tcrno9 #tcrno9cap1
Strasser is undeniably the race leader in the #Transcontinental, but I wonder if Gemperle has the legs to take a shortcut over the mountains, as soon as he clears the CP. If so, he just might be able to get ahead of Strasser, who's taking the long way round.
#TCR09 #Cycling
#Transcontinental #tcr09 #cycling
#dotwatching #transcontinental #bikepacking #bikepackingrace
Das Rennen geht in die heisse Phase ;-)
#dotwatching #Transcontinental #bikepacking #bikepackingrace
This Strasser must be a machine! There is hardly any other way to explain this performance!
#tcrno9cap1 #tcrno9 #Transcontinental
@elblandknipser Ihr könnt ja die Teilnehmerinnen des #Transcontinental anfeuern, die auf dem Weg zu Ceckpoint 2 vorbeikommen.
#TCRNo9cap168 ist grad da, #TCRNo9cap58 kommt demnächst und nördlich vom Lago d'Iseo sind schon die nächsten Richtung Po-Ebene unterwegs.,10.854863,7.44
#Transcontinental #tcrno9cap168 #tcrno9cap58 #tcrno9
I love the daily race reports from the #Transcontinental, just for the beautiful, aesthetic pictures. 🥰
Interesting! #TCRNo9cap41 (Maria Holdcroft) left the Alps after passing CP1 and choose a route through the pardan plain towards CP2. Could this save a lot of altitude?
#tcrno9cap41 #Transcontinental #tcrno9
Crumbs, on the #Transcontinental, there are still riders in France, while the leaders crossed Switzerland, the top of Italy, the edge of Austria, Slovenia and are now about to cross into Croatia!
The next stage to CP3 will be tough, and sleep deprivation will play a part!
Between the 2 race leaders, Strasse spent 12 hrs so far not moving, while Gemperle spent 17hrs not moving. Seems Gemperle's had more sleep and that can become a deciding factor later on #TCR09
#Srasser (#tcrno9cap1) and #Gemperle (#tcrno9cap3) just passed Checkpoint 2 this morning and are now on pacours 2 of the #Transcontinental.
But it seems, that there is an issue with the segment time on the leaderboard. It didn't take them only 7 hours something for the track between CP1 & CP2.
EDIT: The segment time is now correctly displayed.
#srasser #tcrno9cap1 #gemperle #tcrno9cap3 #Transcontinental #tcrno9
Meanwhile, the two leaders Christoph Strasser (#tcrno9cap1) & Robin Gemperle (#tcrno9cap3) have less than 100 kilometres to the 2nd checkpoint.
#Strasser paused only 8 hours during the last 3 days! 😱 This is crazy!
#tcrno9cap1 #tcrno9cap3 #strasser #Transcontinental #tcrno9