Laura Tussi · @laura
145 followers · 1998 posts · Server

Per approfondire il testo abbiamo intervistato Vittorio Agnoletto
Il libro “Scritti contro la guerra” di Angelo Gaccione (Tra le righe Libri Editore) si apre con una celebre frase di Alex Langer “Meglio un anno di negoziati che un giorno di guerra”, un voler affrontare il tema della guerra con la chiara volontà di farla sparire dalla storia.
Foto con Vittorio Agnoletto

#PACE #guerra #onu #NATO #usa #armi #ucraina #libri #pacifisti #disarmo #cultura #Transform

Last updated 1 year ago

Laura Tussi · @laura
143 followers · 1980 posts · Server

TRANSFORM - Organo di comunicazione della Sinistra Europea.

Emerge lo spirito pacifista ed ambientalista di Sorbini, non a caso soggetto attivo nella comunicazione ambientale da decenni, anche nella sua vita professionale. È questo aspetto che mi ha attratta fin dalla prima lettura del libro e per questo ho voluto scriverne la prefazione.

#PACE #guerra #onu #NATO #usa #armi #ucraina #libri #pacifisti #disarmo #cultura #Transform

Last updated 1 year ago

Laura Tussi · @laura
138 followers · 1920 posts · Server
Laura Tussi · @laura
134 followers · 1836 posts · Server

Did you know that we create all the time and not even realize it?

When a thought or idea comes to our mind, we can carry it until our soul decides whether or not it wants to act out that thought or idea. For example, something as simple as going to the refrigerator and grabbing yourself a drink.

After His resurrection, one of the first things Yeshua did on the road to Emmaus was “He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures” (Lk 24:46). The word for opened is dianoigō in Greek and it speaks of “opening the womb.” The word understanding is nous, and it is the same word for mind. Even the ancient Hebrew Lexicon Bible Dictionary defines the word thought, as a “mental pregnancy,” or a “mental conception.”

To find out more, visit

#thevoiceofhealing #god #birth #nature #character #function #mind #Transform #light #action #think

Last updated 1 year ago

Pentecost Sunday is almost here! We are saving you and your loved ones a seat. If you desire to go deeper into the word of God and grow your relationship with Jesus Christ, join us for a live worship by the Worship Team and an incredible word from our Bishop @michaeljopetro.
Date: Sunday, May 28th
Address: 2001 Post Oak Blvd, Houston, TX 77056
Time: 11AM CST
For more information on The Voice of Healing, click the link in the bio.

#vohchurch #apostlemichaelpetro #thevoiceofhealing #truth #order #freedom #joy #jesus #mind #Transform #peace

Last updated 1 year ago

We are renewed into the image of Him when our eyes open and we begin to see the knowledge (mysteries) of Scripture (Col 3:10). The wisdom of God is hidden in a mystery, which are the deeper things that His Spirit comes to reveal (1 Co 2:10).
The word “mystery,” translates to the Greek word “musterion,” which speaks of secrets confined only to the initiated, or those who have the eyes to see and ears to hear it.
The mysteries of Scripture is the mystery of Christ, and that has the power to dramatically change your life!

Let the Lord transform you through learning the deeper understanding of His word!

Visit us at and SIGN UP for our next orientation

#apostlemichaelpetro #thevoiceofhealing #Romans #Mystery #Transform #mind #Renew #Eyes #image #bible #secret

Last updated 1 year ago

There is freedom in the name of Jesus and here you will find liberty that will break the chains of bondage.
Truth prevails in the House of the Lord and we invite you to come be apart of this freedom!!

Bring your loved ones, children, and friends who are desiring a shift or change in their life.

Address: 9999 Westheimer Rd, Houston, TX 77042
Time: 11AM CST
Location: Omni Ballroom

Email us at if you have any questions.

#apostlemichaelpetro #thevoiceofhealing #truth #order #freedom #joy #jesus #mind #Transform #peace

Last updated 1 year ago

The Joy of the Lord is mentioned many times throughout the old and New Testament, and is in fact one of the fruits of the spirit. On our walk with the Lord we go through many battles, often in the mind.
The Lord is at war, or enmity against the carnal mind. So when we go through tribulations, it’s because the Lord is trying to show us something deeper about himself and convert our understanding to his understanding. Paul says he has joy in his tribulations.
2 Cor 4:17 Paul talks about how our light affliction is working for us an eternal weight of glory, meaning that the afflictions and tribulations we go through are producing something eternally in us.

FOLLOW our other social media platforms @VOHRadio and @michaeljopetro.

#light #glory #fruit #pressure #jesus #Savior #trouble #Afflict #Transform #joy #thevoiceofhealing #apostlemichaelpetro

Last updated 1 year ago

Co Labor with Christ

Paul said we fellow workmen (co-laborers) with God and for God (ref 1Co 3:9). While we are meant to co-labor with Christ for the souls of others, we must also co-labor with Christ to see the changes within ourselves.

There are no pills we can take to fix the anger, lack of patience, or any other issue we struggle with. Even trying to read our Bibles or go to church more won’t fix us. It takes having a measure of truly knowing/understanding God’s Word, together with Him, to work in us in order to be purified and transformed. That comes through God’s Word being revealed and engrafted to us.

God never intended for us to clean ourselves up, but has always meant to walk with us through the process.

Visit us at to find out more!

#bible #Purify #Transform #work #lHoly #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 1 year ago

Who is the one crying in the wilderness?

According to Isaiah, the one crying out in the wilderness is the same one who comes to prepare the way of the Lord and make the way straight (Isa 40:2).

In the New Testament, John came in the Spirit of Elijah, and was said to be the one spoken of in the Book of Isaiah (ref Luk 1:17, Mat 3:3). Although that is not the end of the Spirit of Elijah; Jesus said, on the Mt of Transfiguration, that Elijah will come to restore all things; that he had come already but the people did not see it (Mat 17:11-12).

The Spirit of Elijah is the one who cries out in the wilderness. John came in this Spirit, but all things were not restored - meaning the Spirit of Elijah must come again.

Do you want to learn more about the Spirit of Elijah?
Visit us at and search “Spirit of Elijah”.

#restore #Transform #wilderness #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 1 year ago

From a Caterpillar to a Butterfly

Scripture says we are not to be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our mind (ref Rom 12:2).
The word ‘transformed’ in the Greek, is the word metamorphoō meaning: to transform literally or figuratively; “metamorphose”: to change, transfigure.
This is a beautiful and symbolic picture of our process as a believer. God doesn’t want us to stay the same, being conformed to the ways of the world, staying on earthly things like a caterpillar crawling along the earth; He wants us to learn and grow in our understanding of Him in order to be changed into His image/character, which is to set our minds, our understanding on things above (ref Col 3:2-4 and 1Jn 2:15-17).

Renew your mind by checking out our resources →

#heaven #Earth #believe #god #image #glory #change #Redeem #Transform #butterfly #Caterpillar

Last updated 2 years ago

From a Caterpillar to a Butterfly

Scripture says we are not to be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our mind (ref Rom 12:2).
The word ‘transformed’ in the Greek, is the word metamorphoō meaning: to transform literally or figuratively; “metamorphose”: to change, transfigure.
This is a beautiful and symbolic picture of our process as a believer. God doesn’t want us to stay the same, being conformed to the ways of the world, staying on earthly things like a caterpillar crawling along the earth; He wants us to learn and grow in our understanding of Him in order to be changed into His image/character, which is to set our minds, our understanding on things above (ref Col 3:2-4 and 1Jn 2:15-17).

Renew your mind by checking out our resources →

#heaven #Earth #believe #god #image #glory #change #Redeem #Transform #butterfly #Caterpillar

Last updated 2 years ago


What is the Feast of Atonement?

We can better understand it by looking at what the Hebrew word for atonement actually means. “Atonement,” in Hebrew, is the word kaphar and according to the Ancient Hebrew Lexicon Bible, it speaks of “a protective covering; to go over something as a covering; or the covering of debt or wrong.”

The word sin is also described as a debt (Matthew 6:12). To be in sin means we lack the truth or understanding; therefore, lying, stealing, and cheating are productions based on a lack of truth. So, the atonement is covering our ignorance of truth, by revealing truth to us, which is the unveiling of the nature of Christ through the revelation of the word.

You can find much more information on the feasts by visiting us at

#feasts #christ #debt #Transform #protect #father #ministry #Apostle #truth #Ignorance #covering #sin

Last updated 2 years ago

As we learned, the good seed planted in the field brings forth good fruit and the Bible says, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free”, John 8:32. The Bible clearly tells us that the Word is meant to transform us into the nature of Christ, and if we aren’t being transformed as a Christian and bearing the fruit of Jesus, Jesus is telling us that we become one of the tares.

Visit to be spiritually awakened with our weekly bible studies.

#freedom #liberty #emotions #seed #glory #beautiful #change #butterfly #Transform #christian #function #character #yield #plant #soil #Earth #Garden #Tares #wheat #fruit

Last updated 2 years ago

Like Father like Son

Ephesians 5:1 Therefore be imitators of God as dear children.

The word Yeshua means “salvation” and in the definition of salvation is deliverance. What exactly are we being delivered from?
A false understanding of God and that is what sin truly means. To be evil and wicked in God’s eyes is to not know or understand His word causing you to do those characteristics of sin (lying, stealing, gossip) etc.

God’s people were not seeing and understanding His law so, He needed to bring redemption which comes through Jesus ONLY when you can go through the same process Jesus has laid out.

Are you willing to follow the pattern and go through the process to become like Jesus?

Visit to learn more about our ministry.

#witness #freedom #truth #believe #Son #god #perfect #Salvation #Savior #Transform #change #love

Last updated 2 years ago

A B C…By Ronald Burton, MD

Four years of medical school, three years of Internal Medicine specialty, and then twenty years of medical practice could not prepare me for the healing of the soul; starting with my own. It is a process. The Apostle James describes it this way, “So, get rid of all uncleanness and all that remains of wickedness, and with a humble spirit receive the word [of God] which is implanted [actually rooted in your heart], which is able to save your souls”. (7) It is through this healed soul; which is how we think, our world view, what we are passionate about- all of which Christ wants to change to make us like Him through a deeper understanding of His word.

For more on this on article →

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#air #passion #love #Yeshua #god #healing #Transform #Grow #Process #abc #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 2 years ago

Washed by the Word

In the Old Testament, water was used for purification; the priests were consecrated by being washed with water (Exo 29), and water was also used to wash parts of the sacrificial animals offered to the Lord.

David cried out to God to wash him and cleanse him from all sin (Ps 51:2); however, he wasn’t speaking about having his physical body cleansed, he was talking about a cleansing of his mind and heart (Ps 51:10).

The Apostle Paul talked about the church being sanctified and cleansed by the washing of water by the word (Eph 5:26), showing us that water is symbolic of the word of God.

Are you being washed in the word of God?

For resources on various concepts in scripture visit

#Doctrine #mind #Renew #Transform #Understanding #sin #symbolism #purification #heart #clean #WORD #water #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 2 years ago

The word for veil really speaks of a covering, hiding, or concealing of a thing. The word revelation, or apocalypse, means a removal of the veil. What we once couldn’t see is now revealed to us. Just as the priests had to look in the water at their reflection to make sure they were clean; water washes us when we are unclean and quenches our thirst. The water is symbolic of the Word of God. Through the unveiling of the word of God, we can be transformed into His image from glory to glory.

Are you being transformed through the revelation of the word? Share your testimony with us, we love to see how the Lord is working in the lives of others. Submit your testimony by visiting our website

#character #fruit #destiny #priest #beginning #Genesis #glory #bible #light #butterfly #Transform #face #truth #Reveal #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 2 years ago

What's in a Name?

In Western thought, a name is just an identifier - it distinguishes them from other people.
In Hebrew the name of an individual is more than an identifier, but descriptive of his character, function, and destiny.

We see throughout the bible; God would give people name changes that would align with the destiny God had for them. Abram means ‘exalted father’ but his name got changed to ‘father of multitudes’ because his destiny was that he would have descendants as numerous as the stars (Gen 15:5, Gen 17:5). In the book of Revelation, the overcomers will receive a new name (Rev 3:12). God wants to reveal who we truly are and the destiny for us.

Find out more like this at

#kingdom #Christianity #mind #heart #Yeshua #Transform #vision #Prophecy #Hebrew #destiny #character #name #thevoiceofhealing

Last updated 2 years ago