"What does this circuit do?" from a photo or diagram of circuit. Should be do-able with encoder-decoder #transformer architecture (aka #LLM) but I doubt enough training data available. But synthetic data easy to generate for a few components. (I hate waking at 415am with such thoughts.) Thoughts, @praeclarum ?
I decided to take apart a #powersupply belonging to a Behringer audio mixer, since it was damaged in a recent move (broken pin). I was expecting to find a PCB with lots of components, maybe a big switching transistor somewhere...but nope! Just a big honkin #transformer. Looking at the specs tho, it makes sense. It's an AC power supply! Just need a trusty step down transformer.
120VAC, 60Hz, 14W
Outputs (3 pins):
2 x 18.5VAC @ 250mA
1 x 3.0VAC @ 100mA
#chatGPT is revolutionizing the way we write and communicate, using #transformer models to generate human-like text. And this is just the beginning - these technologies have the potential to transform the way we experience and interact with digital culture. #AI #digitaltransformation
#chatgpt #Transformer #ai #digitaltransformation
The potential of #chatGPT for writing and #transformer models is truly exciting! These technologies have the power to revolutionize the way we create and consume content, and could have a major impact on the digital transformation of culture in general. #digitaltransformation #AI #machinelearning
#chatgpt #Transformer #digitaltransformation #ai #machinelearning
Evil n' Cool - Appetite for Corruption
#Geek #GeekStuff #MeInMyQwertee #Selfietime #OOTD #Qwertee #Gunsnroses #appetitefordestruction #Megatron #Skeletor #MummRa #CobraCommander #Shredder #Transformer #MotU #Thundercats #GIJoe #TMNT #MastersOfThe… https://instagr.am/p/CklX4wSIx1k/
#geek #GeekStuff #MeInMyQwertee #SelfieTime #ootd #qwertee #gunsnroses #AppetiteForDestruction #Megatron #skeletor #MummRa #CobraCommander #Shredder #Transformer #motu #thundercats #GIJoe #tmnt #MastersOfThe