#TransformersRiseOfTheBeasts looks fun, but pretty dumb. I'll probably watch it with church friends but otherwise won't see it until I do my watchthrough of the whole franchise, when I'm in a #Hollywood blockbuster franchise mood.
#BlueBeetle looks okay so it'll probably suck (I mean #Shazam2 looked okay too, and we know how that turned out)
#Barbie looks like great dumb fun, I'm already sold on it
#Dune2 looks AMAZING, I was sold on it as soon as I saw the credits for #Dune tho
I've enjoyed the modern #MissionImpossible movies so I'm sold on #MissionImpossibleDeadReckoning too
But interestingly you've skipped over the movie that I'm probably anticipating second-most: #TheFlash.
#TransformersRiseOfTheBeasts #hollywood #bluebeetle #Shazam2 #barbie #dune2 #dune #missionimpossible #MissionImpossibleDeadReckoning #theflash