@csddumi Financial stewardship is taking responsibility for stewarding the financial aspects of a socioeconomic system.
At #TransparentClassroom, this ranges from:
1. Participating in our Budgeting process
2. Participating in our #CompensationChronicles
3. Performing accounting work tasks, such as reconciling the books, running payroll
4. Analyzing financial and economic data and making projections about how that data relates to our shared future.
#CompensationChronicles #TransparentClassroom
Every year, #TransparentClassroom goes through the #CompensationChronicles; where team members work with a steward of their choice to:
1. Understand our orgs financial situation
2. Reflect on their growth over the last year
3. Identify how their personal context relates to compensation
4. Set their preferred and floor pay rate for the next year.
One of the hardest part of #Cooperatives is financial #Stewardship; especially in ones where ~65% of expenses are workers pay!
#stewardship #cooperatives #CompensationChronicles #TransparentClassroom
Every year, #TransparentClassroom goes through the #CompensationChronicles; where team members work with a steward of their choice to:
1. Understand our orgs financial situation
2. Reflect on their growth over the last year
3. Identify how their personal context relates to compensation
4. Set their preferred and floor pay rate for the next year.
One of the hardest part of #Cooperatives is financial #Stewardship; especially in ones where ~65% of expenses are workers pay!
#stewardship #cooperatives #CompensationChronicles #TransparentClassroom
Had a lovely conversation with #ElianaHorn of #InterdependentLaw today exploring registering #TransparentClassroom as a #LimitedCooperativeAssociation (or #LCA).
Has some significant advantages compared to #LLC or#CCorp #Cooperatives; in particular that #Patronage has an exemption from being treated as #Security under both Washington State and US Federal Law.
#security #patronage #cooperatives #llc #lca #LimitedCooperativeAssociation #TransparentClassroom #InterdependentLaw #ElianaHorn
Election complete! We had two nominations for team representative to the #TransparentClassroom board.
I ran the election using #Elected, a collection of #Deno scripts for running ranked-choice elections using #Mailgun to distribute voter unique ids and #Airtable to collect results in a webform: https://github.com/zspencer/elected
Overall, went pretty painlessly. Candidates made statements, 9 ballots were distributed, 8 were returned, and the results were tallied!
#airtable #mailgun #deno #elected #TransparentClassroom
I've been working with #TransparentClassroom for the last 3 years (wow! Time flies!) to convert to a worker owned and directed organization; and we have clearance from the founder / sole owner to begin issuing shares to the current team starting in our Winter 2022 board meeting.
This is the most "successful" #Cooperative conversion project I've worked on!
It pays current workers a strong wage and benefits while providing past workers with income from dividends.
#cooperative #TransparentClassroom
Good #TransparentClassroom board meeting!
We've reached the point where we're ready to engage with a professional to flesh out our shareholder agreements and turn them into reality so we can begin issuing shares to the team!
I'm bummed I wasn't able to get the founder to go in on a #Rochdale #Cooperative, but 1 member 1 vote for preferred shareholders felt too risky given the opportunity costs he'd incurred.
#cooperative #rochdale #TransparentClassroom
I don’t talk about #TransparentClassroom nearly as much as I talk about #ZincCoop and #CohereCoop; but it’s my most successful foray into #Cooperatives and worker directed enterprises.
10 folks stewarding thousands of Montessori schools around the world by providing affordable record keeping, lesson planning, and classroom management software; designed by and for Montessori teachers.
Wait til we figure out a teacher ownership model! Every tech co could be a multi-stakeholder #Cooperative!
#cooperative #cooperatives #CohereCoop #zinccoop #TransparentClassroom
I have two main revenue streams for my personal income:
#Cohere, a 4 person consulting cooperative
#TransparentClassroom, a 10 person worker directed SaaS Coop
Cohere bills my time as an executive level engineering consultant. This generates significant cashflow ($150~$350/hr), but is 3~4 different clients per week, 3 days a week. Brain. Melt.
Transparent Classroom pays me ~$97/hr for two days a week.
This lets me manage my income to roughly mirror the median household income for #Oakland.
#oakland #TransparentClassroom #cohere
Today's my first day back from my sabattical from #TransparentClassroom, the the SaaS company converting to #WorkerOwnership (and hopefully a true #Cooperative).
Apparently we're hiring 1~2?!? more Developers. It's #RubyOnRails and #React, but we're moving slowly back to Boring #HTML and #CSS with little "JavaScript Sprinkles" (likely using #StimulusJS or similar) to reduce maintenance costs and ease development.
When I get the job post I'll share it here and ask for boosts!
#stimulusjs #css #html #react #rubyonrails #cooperative #workerownership #TransparentClassroom