@nic Mike Graham on Talk TV has been complaining about the beleaguered car driver, but also about the lack of rural busses.
The way to get people out of cars and into buses is to have free buses. They would all be much quicker too, as they wouldn't get stuck in queues of cars.
Trains or Planes or Buses! Which is best and why?!
First Dog on the Moon
#ClimateCrisis #Australia #Transportpolicy
“The recent history of Britain’s trains is much the same as that of the country itself: a hare-brained plunge into privatisation and crony capitalism, followed by endless underinvestment, chronic short-termism and that achingly familiar approach to industrial relations that regards partnership and consensus as suited only to wimps”
To constrain the growth of SUVs, tax vehicles by weight, like #France is doing. That's the view of the #InternationalEnergyAgency https://www.iea.org/commentaries/carbon-emissions-fell-across-all-sectors-in-2020-except-for-one-suvs
#Transportpolicy #transport #internationalenergyagency #france