Einen schönen 3. Adventssonntagsgruß an alle GeocacherInnen in der TL. #Geocaching #gc #Travelbug #Trackable
#geocaching #gc #TravelBug #trackable
Hello from #taipei. We arrived from Okinawa after a 6 hour plane delay yesterday and excited to explore. We are in #Taiwan for 2 weeks so will try and fit in as much as we can!super excited about a country that's been top of my travel list for a while! Have you been? #travel #asia #travelling #traveling #TravelBug #wanderlust #explorer #travelexx
#travelexx #explorer #wanderlust #TravelBug #traveling #travelling #asia #travel #taiwan #taipei
Ich hab gestern einen #TravelBug geschenkt bekommen: Oswald the Octopus 🐙 :awesome: #Geocaching