#Trekarta is designed for #hiking, #geocaching, #offroading, #cycling, #boating and all other #outdoor activities. It uses offline #maps so you do not need to have internet connection. You can easily import points and tracks from #GPX and #KML data formats or create places in application and share them to others. It lets you write the track of your journey, even in background, so you will never get lost and be able later see where you've been.
#Trekarta #hiking #geocaching #offroading #cycling #boating #outdoor #maps #gpx #kml
The #trekarta app is truly a joy to use.
Quality of the app is top notch. Especially the interface design is worth a look.
- every ui element gets introduced on first use
- good use of tap and tap-and-hold (roughly: toggle vs configure)
- a very interesting widget design to fine-tune showing amenities without losing oversight
- the interface stays very clean which is important for mapping applications.
a rare #foss gem
#Trekarta #foss #openstreetmap
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