The organizers of the explosion in St. Petersburg, which killed propagandist Vladlen #Tatarsky, were "#Ukrainian special services and their agents," including "#Russian oppositionists hiding abroad," the FSB claims.
Allegedly, the bomb was handed over to Daria #Trepova by…
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#Tatarsky #Ukrainian #Russian #Trepova
Daria Trepova was taken to #Moscow. The Investigative Committee accused #Trepova of committing an act of terrorism.
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#Russia #Ucraina
"L'atto terroristico commesso il 2 aprile a San Pietroburgo contro il noto giornalista Vladlen #Tatarsky è stato pianificato dai servizi speciali dell'Ucraina con il coinvolgimento di agenti tra le persone che collaborano con il cosiddetto Fondo anticorruzione di #Navalny, di cui la detenuta Daria #Trepova è una sostenitrice attiva". È quanto ha dichiarato in una nota il Comitato nazionale antiterrorismo russo. Lo riporta Ria Novosti.
#Trepova #navalny #tatarsky #ucraina #russia
Pro-government media published the first photo of Darya #Trepova after her arrest.
It is alleged that she was going to fly to #Uzbekistan.
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⚡️Darya #Trepova was detained on suspicion of involvement in the explosion in a cafe in St. Petersburg, #Russian media reports
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