The #CriterionCollection / #BarnesAndNoble #movie #sale ends #Friday, #July 28, 2023 (up to 50% off select #titles).
#HD #DVD's, #BluRay #discs, and 4K #UHD #releases
UHD discs include:
#TriangleOfSadness, #NightOfTheLivingDead, #CitizenKane (#BlackAndWhite #film looks great in 4K with #HDR, btw), #Walkabout (#preorder), #MalcolmX, #ThePrincessBride, #InTheMoodForLove, #ThreeColors #BlueWhiteRed #set
#set #bluewhitered #threecolors #inthemoodforlove #theprincessbride #malcolmx #preorder #walkabout #hdr #Film #BlackAndWhite #citizenkane #nightofthelivingdead #TriangleofSadness #releases #uhd #discs #bluray #dvd #hd #titles #july #Friday #sale #movie #BarnesandNoble #criterioncollection
TRIANGLE OF SADNESS has had mixed reviews, but I LOVED it. Yes, parts of it are a bit on the nose, but its skewering of extreme privilege and wealth-hoarding are brilliant: I loved how it satirised billionaires' lack of actual life skills, and its barbs about narrow beauty standards.
it's a really funny film, and Woody Harrelson is great in it. 9/10
#films #Movies #TriangleofSadness
Spotted #TriangleOfSadness streaming for free on Prime and absolutely loved it. What a trip! Crazy, over the top satire which just keeps going way past the point you’re expecting it to stop. Very highly recommended
Wie lange sollen unsere Schauspielerinnen noch für die German Schuld büßen!? HOW LONG!? #TriangleOfSadness
@Gunde Har du sett #TriangleofSadness ? Där finns en karaktär som säljer ”shit” som han uttrycker det. Fekalier har en viss plats i filmen. Kanske av intresse?
Trött i dag. Misstänker att #TriangleofSadness sög musten ur mig igår. Men det är vilodag. I morgon åter till pulpeten.
God morgon! Såg Triangle of sadness på bio igår kväll. Vilken otroligt bra film, stark, obehaglig ibland, rolig emellanåt. Otroligt tänkvärd. Inte en vacker bild av mänskligheten. Men tyvärr rätt sann på ett konstnärligt vis. #TriangleofSadness
Den här lördagen var lite mesig. Men om två timmar sitter jag i bion. Hoppas det blir lite spunk i resten av dagen.
I morgon kväll ska jag se Triangle of sadness med en kompis. Vill både verkligen se filmen OCH träffa min vän. Ska bli så kul!
#helg #vanskap #TriangleofSadness
So unterhaltsam, lustig und gewitzt ich auch #RubenÖstlund‘s Kapitalismus-Satire #TriangleOfSadness auch fand, der Film offenbart einen zutiefst zynischen Blick auf die scheinbar unveränderlichen ökonomischen Zustände der Menschheit und stellt seine Protagonisten lediglich als Raubtiere ihrer selbst da. Ein unterhaltsamer cineastischer Stinkefinger.
#rubenostlund #TriangleofSadness
Ich habe #TriangleOfSadness (2022) mit 8/10 auf #IMDb bewertet.
Für die #Oscars drücke ich #ImWestenNichtsNeues, #TriangleOfSadness, #TheBansheesOfInisherin und #WomanTalking die Daumen, dass es viele Oscars regnet.
#oscars95 #womantalking #thebansheesofinisherin #TriangleofSadness #ImWestenNichtsNeues #oscars
“Triangle of Sadness”: Uneven but funny dark comedy
Dark comedy Triangle of Sadness is the second film in a row from Swedish writer and director Ruben Östlund to win the Palme d’Or after The Square. Triangle of Sadness,
#Entertainment #EntertainmentNews #Films #Movie #CharlbiDean #entertainmentnews #HarrisDickenson #RubenÖstlund #TriangleofSadness #VickiBerlin #WoodyHarrelson #ZlatkoBurić
#entertainment #entertainmentnews #films #movie #charlbidean #harrisdickenson #rubenostlund #TriangleofSadness #vickiberlin #woodyharrelson #zlatkoburic
Und warum genau wurde der Release von #TriangleOfSadness bei #iTunes von heute auf den 14.03. verschoben? 🤦♂️
“Can you relax your triangle of sadness? Like between your eyebrows here? A little bit more. OK. And open your mouth so you look a bit more available. OK, not that much, a little bit less.” 🏝️🛳️💰 #TriangleOfSadness 🚽🤮 The countdown is on. ⌚️ Only 2 more days until The Westdale’s Oscar Party! 🎉🍿🎞️🏆🙌❤️
“Can you relax your triangle of sadness? Like between your eyebrows here? A little bit more. OK. And open your mouth so you look a bit more available. OK, not that much, a little bit less.” 🏝️🛳️💰 #TriangleOfSadness 🚽 The countdown is on. ⌚️ Only 2 more days until The Westdale’s Oscar Party! 🎉🍿🎞️🏆🙌❤️
Although it loses its way badly in the third act, Ruben Ostlund’s biting, acerbic satire of ultra-wealth and insta-fame is a supremely made odyssey into absolute madness that will delight some, infuriate others, and offend plenty more. #TriangleOfSadness #cinemastodon #Review #Cinema #FilmReview
#TriangleofSadness #cinemastodon #review #cinema #filmreview