Sco · @Scofisticated
173 followers · 2445 posts · Server

I saw . And yes, it has lesbian . But there is so much more. Some great jokes in here. The art is very classic. But w/ very modern animation techniques. ALOT of animating on ones. The music is great. There is even a cover a pretty big song. Yes, Velma, but each gang member gets good focus. It has an interesting insight into Daphnie here. Coco is a great addition, really fun. Just a well put together movie. :blobheart: :blobcheer: 🎃

#TrickOrTreatScoobyDoo #velma #scooby #scoobydoo #cartoons

Last updated 2 years ago

Sco · @Scofisticated
173 followers · 2445 posts · Server

I know this is the crusade no one asked me to fight. But it is a righteous cause I will die on.

's queer awakening on was fantastic, and under appreciated. And did - not start with this movie. :flagProgress: :lesbian_flag_2:

Tho, to be fair, the twitter thread and article indicate that James Gunn tried to make her gay in the live-act movies, and Tony C tried to make her a queer as possible in .

#velma #scoobydoo #MysteryIncorperated #JusticeForMarcy #TrickOrTreatScoobyDoo #mysteryinc

Last updated 2 years ago