The Changing Society of Tobago, 1838-1938: A Fractured Whole by Susan E. Craig-James
#Tobago, #historyofTobago, #TrinidadTobago, #TrinidadandTobago, #socialhistory, #historyoftheCaribbean, #Caribbeanhistory, #sugarplantations, #agriculture, #abolitionofslavery, #plantationeconomy, #plantationeconomies
Volume I: 1838-1900
Volume II: 1900-1938
#tobago #historyoftobago #TrinidadTobago #trinidadandtobago #socialhistory #historyoftheCaribbean #Caribbeanhistory #sugarplantations #agriculture #abolitionofslavery #plantationeconomy #plantationeconomies
Recently published in "#Climate and #Development".
"#CollectiveAction by #community groups: solutions for #ClimateChange or different players in the same game?"
Luke J. Matthews, Aaron Clark-Ginsberg, Michelle Scobie, Laura E. R. Peters, Unni Gopinathan, Anuszka Mosurska, Katy Davis, Sonja Myhre, Saskia Hirsch, and Eija Meriläinen.
#Toco #Trinidad #TrinidadAndTobago #TrinidadTobago #Sitka #Alaska
#climate #development #collectiveaction #community #ClimateChange #toco #trinidad #trinidadandtobago #TrinidadTobago #sitka #alaska
#Elezioni #TrinidadTobago #Presidenziali
Risultati del primo turno:
Christine #Kangaloo (app. #PNM|Centro): 48 voti
Israel #RajaKhan (app. #UNC|Centro-sinistra): 22
Christine Kangaloo eletta Presidente di Trinidad e Tobago. Sarà la prima donna indigena a ricoprire questa carica.
#elezioni #TrinidadTobago #presidenziali #kangaloo #PNM #rajakhan #unc
Our Caribbean: A Gathering of Lesbian and Gay Writing from the Antilles by Thomas Glave; Lawson Williams; José Alcántara Almánzar; Aldo Alvarez; Reinaldo Arenas; Rane Arroyo; Jesús J. Barquet; Marilyn Bobes; Dionne Brand; Timothy S. Chin; Michelle Cliff; Wesley E. A. Crichlow; Mabel Cuesta; Ochy Curiel; Faizal Deen; Pedro de Jesús; R. Erica Doyle; Rosamond S. King; Helen Klonaris; Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes; Audre Lorde; Gloria Wekker; Shani Mootoo; Anton Nimblett; Achy Obejas; Leonardo Padura Fuentes; Virgilio Piñera; Patricia Powell; Kevin Everod Quashie; Juanita Ramos; Colin Robinson; Assotto Saint; Andrew Salkey; Lawrence Scott; Makeda Silvera; H. Nigel Thomas; Rinaldo Walcott
#DominicanRepublic, #PuertoRico, #Borikén, #Cuba, #TrinidadTobago, #Trinidad, #Jamaica, #Guyana, #unitedstatesofamerika, #Bahamas, #Grenada, #ireland, #Haiti, #Panama, #StVincentandtheGrenadines, #StVincent, #canada, #kanada, #klanada, #Suriname, #Caribbean, #Caribbeanliterature, #Caribbeanwriters, #lesbianliterature, #gayliterature, #LGBTQIA, #LGBTliterature, #LGBTQliterature
#dominicanrepublic #puertorico #Borikén #cuba #TrinidadTobago #trinidad #jamaica #guyana #unitedstatesofamerika #bahamas #Grenada #ireland #haiti #panama #StVincentandtheGrenadines #StVincent #canada #Kanada #Klanada #suriname #caribbean #CaribbeanLiterature #caribbeanwriters #lesbianliterature #gayliterature #lgbtqia #LGBTliterature #LGBTQliterature
UWI, IDB sign US$996,000 agreement on blue carbon. It will implement a Monitoring, Verification, and Reporting (MRV) system for mangrove ecosystems that will provide a science-based data platform on the sequestration and release of blue carbon in participant country sites of the United Kingdom Blue Carbon Fund. #mangrove #bluecarbon #Trinidad #TrinidadTobago #climatechange
#climatechange #TrinidadTobago #trinidad #BlueCarbon #mangrove
The Political Alternative by Lloyd Best
#TrinidadTobago, #TrinidadandTobago, #Trinago, #TapiaHouse, #TapiaHouseMovement, #Caribbean, #Caribbeanpolitics, #Caribbeanpoliticalparties, #speeches
"Address to the Tapia Sixth Anniversary Assembly, held at Tapia House, November 17th, 1974" - Published as Tapia House Booklet No. 9.
Worldcat lists the booklet's date of publication as 1974. However, Worldcat also states that the two publications listed under "LATEST FROM TAPIA" at the back of the booklet were published in 1975 - so the exact date is uncertain.
#TrinidadTobago #trinidadandtobago #Trinago #TapiaHouse #TapiaHouseMovement #caribbean #Caribbeanpolitics #Caribbeanpoliticalparties #speeches
Trinidad & Tobago bulletin: National Union of Freedom Fighters / National United Freedom Fighters (NUFF) by Caribbean Monthly Bulletin
#TrinidadTobago, #TrinidadandTobago, #Trinago, #NUFF, #NationalUnionofFreedomFighters, #PeoplesNationalMovement, #PNM, #Caribbean, #armedstruggle, #guerrillawarfare, #antiimperialism, #urbanguerrillawarfare, #urbanguerrillas, #NationalUnitedFreedomFighters
Pages 5-9 of the Caribbean Monthly Bulletin 7.8 (October 1973) contain news items from Trinidad & Tobago. The update features a reprint of a February 1973 manifesto by the National Union of Freedom Fighters / National United Freedom Fighters (NUFF), a revolutionary guerrilla organization. It also excerpts another NUFF communiqué and reports on high-profile resignations from the People's National Movement (PNM), Trinago's ruling party.
#TrinidadTobago #trinidadandtobago #Trinago #NUFF #NationalUnionofFreedomFighters #PeoplesNationalMovement #PNM #caribbean #armedstruggle #GuerrillaWarfare #antiimperialism #urbanguerrillawarfare #urbanguerrillas #NationalUnitedFreedomFighters